“You laugh because I’m different. I laugh because you’re all the same.” Many may believe that the world’s most important inventions would include televisions, computers, automobiles, or telephones. I wanted to be different in that belief. Of course, I know that my choice is not the world’s most important invention, but it certainly helps women in their every day lives. In my humble sarcastic opinion, I chose the tampon as the world’s most important invention. Several of my friends have laughed at me for my humorous thoughts, but I love being different.
Often, teenage girls live their lives with nasty older siblings or immature little ones and overprotective parents. Teenage girls usually go to school with the worry of their schoolwork, their extra-curricular activities, their friends, and of course, boys. Numerous female adults will live their lives with stubborn yet loving husbands and their children. Many women face the laboring work and tasks at their workplaces and within their homes. Therefore, we, as girls and women, face much stress and men certainly do not want to bother us during that monthly visit of “Aunt Flow”, an old term used for the menstruation period. Tampons have definitely made it easier for women, compared to sanitary pads, which causes such a mess. Let me say it that way, without bringing it into too much detail.
My thoughts of the tampon being the most important invention in the world are comical and humorous but could you imagine life without tampons? If you are a man, you might. Trust me though; we’d be a lot crankier. Honestly, though, I truly do not believe the tampon is the world’s most important invention yet whoever invented it must have been very intellectual. I frankly cannot imagine life without the useful little devices. I can’t even imagine how women survived more than a century ago without them.
Tampons, obviously, have not revolutionized our generation or ones before it. Even so, they have helped women without a mess. From a teenage girl to a full-grown woman, our mood swings can be horrendous. Less mess means less attitude towards others, which serves as a huge advantage for the men. Of course, “if men had their period, they’d probably brag about the size of their tampons.” I hope that was not offensive, but an explanation to that quotation is yet another essay. However, take into consideration how PMS affects both men and women and how tampons make women less irritable by creating less of a mess. Most will agree that tampons are a very vital invention that aids in the survival of both species.