Titanic (1997) is a wonderful love story based on real life events, as told by Rose, the main character of the story. Kate Winslet captured her character beautifully, acting as if she were really in a higher class in 1912. Most of this movie takes place on the Titanic, although some of it takes place in present time when Old Rose tells stories about her time on the ship. The whole movie seems like a flashback to April 1912. The movie is powerful, wonderful, and at times, very emotional. The dialogue doesn’t seem forced in any way, in fact, it was perfect considering the fact that it was set in 1912.
There were no modern words or expressions and for the most part, everyone spoke according to their class or social status. For example, the upper-class men and women spoke as if they were well educated and the people of lower classes spoke rather simply. Leonardo DiCaprio (who played Jack) was an amazing actor. The love he showed for Rose really interested me to the point where I didn’t want to stop watching the movie. Rose’s Fiancee was one of the characters that I didn’t like very much. I hated the way he followed Rose and tried to control her every move. He was also somewhat abusive towards her, both physically and verbally.
Nevertheless, he did make a great character that really tied the story together. The conflict between Rose, her fiancee, and Jack made for a suspenseful movie where you never know what’s going to happen next. As for the Editing, the movie moved at the perfect pace. It wasn’t too fast or too slow, although the movie itself was over 2 hours long. It wasn’t over edited and it was beautifully put together. I would recommend this movie to anyone. Although I have watched it over 10 times, the ending always gives me chills. It is my favorite movie for this reason.