Many great American novels such as The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald interest us. Many readers could relate to this novel in plentiful ways such as how life sometimes can be so complicated. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Gatsby, who is the main character, establishes many flaws between Tom Buchanan and his undeniable love for Tom’s wife, Daisy Buchanan. Although Gatsby’s life is filled with many flaws, he deserves to be called “Great” due to what he had done for Daisy Buchanan, which could changed her life endlessly.
Jay Gatsby deserves to be called “Great” do to the fact that he dedicates his whole life into making his dreams a reality, which is reuniting with his true love, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby reveals that “ I can’t describe to you how surprised I was find out I loved her, old sport. I even hoped for a while that she’d throw me over, but she didn’t, because she was in love with me too…”(Source C pg. 157) Another reason why Gatsby deserve to be called “Great” because he told Tom that “Your wife doesn’t love you, She never loved you. She loves me.”(Source B pg.137) Telling Tom about this makes Gatsby “Great” because then Daisy no longer needs to stay with her husband whom she never loved, and enjoy her life with the person she truly loves which is Jay Gatsby.
The numerous reason why Gatsby deserves to be called “Great” is when he reveals that “ but of course I’ll say I was. You see, when we left New York she was very nervous and she thought it would steady her to drive-and this…”( Source B pg. 151) In this quote by Gatsby specifically states why he truly deserves to be called “Great” do to the fact that he declares that he will take the blame for Daisy’s tragic accident. He is willing to put his life in jeopardy in order to share his life with Daisy. Gatsby’s incontestable love for Daisy is so tenacious that he “read a Chicago paper for years just on the chance of catching a glimpse of Daisy’s name.(Source A pg.84) This quote shows how powerful Gatsby’s love is for the exquisite Daisy Buchanan; he will sacrifice anything to be with Daisy.
On the contrary, some of the many reasons why Gatsby does not deserve to be called “Great” is when he told Jordan Baker to ask Nick if he can invite Gatsby over to have lunch with Daisy, in which Jordan said, “ He wants to know- if you’ll invite Daisy to your house some afternoon and then let him come over.”(Source A pg.83) This quote emphasizes that Gatsby is not great because he is using Jordan as a messenger to finally get an opportunity to reunite his love for Daisy. He is also using Nick as a way to make his dreams come true. In addition, Gatsby does not deserve to be called “Great” do to the fact he uses his money to bring Daisy back into his life and to fulfill his dreams once and for all.
Lastly, of all the great things Gatsby had done for Daisy results into nothing because when Gatsby died, Daisy did not even attended his funeral even though she was well aware of what happened. Gatsby had constantly dreamed that Daisy was the “golden girl” and the girl of his dreams, but in reality she is not who he thinks she is. Nick’s last final compliment to Gatsby was “Your worth the whole damn bunch of them.” Nick had admired Jay Gatsby throughout the whole novel of all the great things he had done in life and that he stays true to himself from the very beginning. The ending clearly shows that Gatsby’s greatness is not well worth it, and that even mediocrity is enough in life.