The decision to relocate one’s life to a far away or unknown place is most likely one of the mostimportant and life changing decisions a person can ever make. Depending on where the move isto can effect the person’s job opportunities, class of people that are socialized with, and ultimatelythe quality of living either increasing or decreasing. A decision this important is not an impulsiveone, it requires much thought as well as imput from others. When a homeless person resolves tomove underground they choose to be down there. If they did not want to relocate to the recessesof the earth why else would they do it? None of them were physically forced to move all of theirbelongings underground and forcibly adapt to that new surroundings against their own wishes,they wanted it and in effect they got precisely what was desired. Their lives are their own and it isup to no one but themselves whether they should move above ground again and since they havechosen to live down there and they should be allowed to. Therefore, it is not up to thegovernment to tell the homeless where they should have to live, if the Mole people wish to live sixlayers beneath the surface then they should be allowed to.
In The Mole People, by Jennifer Toth, the eighty’s are referred to as the “decade of thetunnels” (Toth 14) because that is when the police found all of the homeless underground. Fromwhat the police saw down there they saw it all as not being fit for human living, but isn’t that thecase for some above ground as well? There are locations through out the entire world that areseen as unfit to live in, and in some cases, like in third world countries, the entire country is seenin that way. But is it up to government to tell these people that they have to move? No, thegovernment has no right to tell people where they cannot live. If the government is able to do thisthen what will stop them from stopping people from doing everything that they do not approveof? We all hold our own lives in our hands and the decisions in our lives will always be our own.We will be forced to live with the consequences of our actions, but we also have the power torectify something if we do not like the direction in which it is heading. The Mole people are seen by some as parasites, feeding off of society and contributingnothing back it. It almost looks like the Mole people have a free ride, free meaning that while therest of the country is forced to pay taxes on everything from food to the very property that theirhomes are built on the Mole people do not have any taxes to worry about paying.
The problemwith this is that since the subway is underground and is run by the city the property there isconsidered city property. Anyone who lives on city property is forced to pay a tax and it shouldnot make a difference if they are living above or below ground. If the Mole people are going tolive underground then they should at least have to pay some sort of tax, not thousands of dollarslike the people who live above ground but at least something. The Mole people should be givensome incentive so they might consider giving back their community. The problem with having the Mole people contribute back the a society that they feel hasforgotten about them and has made them outcasts is actually getting them to accept this plan. The Mole people feel that society has done nothing but lose them in the shuffle of everyday lifeand discard them because they believe that they are no longer useful. If the government continuesto try to clean up the tunnels by evicting the Mole people the Mole people will truly begin toresent society for doing this to them and will never try to contribute back to it. This is a verydelicate situation that the government is forced to deal with. If it is handled incorrectly the resultswould be be felt across the country.
If they choose to spend their lives in a tunnel and they feelthat it is the best life for them then they should be allowed to live down there. As humans, wewere given free will and that free will is for all aspects of our lives. We have the ability to reasonand make decisions and if a person chooses to live underground then it is ultimately up to them. Having the government interfering in the lives of a group of people that are doing no realharm to anyone is just wasting the time that the government has to be spending in much wiserways. The government should be concerning itself with more important issues such as crime,narcotics, and education. America is said to be the place of dreams, a true free country, but if wecannot even choose where we want to spend our lives then how truly free are we? Ultimately, thedecision to live underground belongs to no one but the Mole people, it is their lives and who arewe to say that we should be interfering in it?