The library I selected to conduct my search for History journals was at the University of Buffalo, Amherst Campus. Having made trips there on two separate occasions and having skimmed quickly through perhaps twenty or so different journals I eventually selected a handful that I felt were a good representation of what to expect in a history journal. These were soft or hard cover ranging from a lean 100 pages to a robust 500 page book. Also I conducted further research on the internet by examining at least thirty promising history sites to finally select a half dozen that I felt what be a good approximation of a book-form history journal. Here I had many problems obtaining information as many of the sites were password protected and subscription access only, and there were many dead ends, however I was able to obtain information. A lot of these journals are published by people associated with the History departments of universities, while others were published by History organizations. I also found that many magazine or book-form journals also had internet sites and those that did had some form of the journal there for viewing, either abstracts, highlights, or full text articles. Consequently my descriptions for Internet journals are more limited.
History Workshop Journal, Issue 50, Autumn 2000
This particular journal is published through Oxford University press and abstracts are available online at The journal is in book form, soft cover, and approximately 320 pages. The inside cover page gives publisher’s information while the contents are listed on the first and second pages. The journal is divided into sections called: editorial, articles and essays, feature history and bibliography, archives and sources, history on the line, history workshop history, reviews, report back, obituaries, and notes on contributors. The editorial is short and discusses why the current issue is special (fifty years old) and gives one or two sentence statements about certain articles contained therein or the authors. The articles and essays section has six essays by six authors. Some of these have very long titles like “Francois Bernier and the Invention of Radical Classification” by Siep Stuurman, or “Common Sense in Shanghai: the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce and political Legitimacy in Republican China” by Josephine Fox. In the feature section are four lengthy articles two of which are: “ Re-remembering the Soldier Hero: the Psychic and Social Construction of Memory in Personal Narratives of the Great War” by Michael Roper and “Writing Early Medieval Biography” by Janet L.
Nelson. Under archives and sources is the Boyd Orr survey of the Nutrition of Children in Britain and extracts of Gwen Pemberton’s diaries. In history on the line Bapsi Sidhwa and Urvashi Butalia discuss the partition of India. The history workshop section contains two scholarly articles about history and its effects on average people. The reviews section explains the contents of seven different works as assorted as “a philosophical history of language” to “the language of the third Reicht”. The report back section contains three essays on “war, peasants, and Medieval pasts”. After the obituary section is a lengthy section with notes on the contributors. Here is much information about the work and writings of the contributing authors. The articles and essays are scholarly and detailed and some of them were originally lectures delivered at universities. Lengthy references with abundant footnotes conclude each of the essays and articles. Some of them are technical (where specific learned knowledge is required on a certain topic such as Philosophy or Religion) while others are appealing and easy to read.
The internet version of this journal has a completely different format. By clicking onto the journal’s icon on the home page a table of contents appears describing the same articles listed in the bound version and by clicking on each article heading an abstract of the article appears. Another home page link enables one to access archives of past online issues. In general the online version is scanty and leaves something to be desired when compared to the bound version.
Italian Americana Cultural and Historical Review, Winter 2001
This suitably titled journal is edited at the University of Rhode Island and furnished to an ethnic group of historians. The contents page lists five essays titled : “Frank Sinatra: Musician, Actor, and Quintessential Ethnic”, “Ethnicity and the Nerwarks Italian tribute”, “The Immigrant Experience in California”, “Italian American Voters and the Al Smith Revolution: A Reassessment”, and “Columbus in Contemporary Poetry”. Next is a poetry section with poems by Italian immigrant poets. There is an article in the fiction section followed by an essay in “memoirs”. The next section has two reviews of publications followed by forthcoming articles titled “Fascism in Italian Communities” and “Women of the Italian Resistance”. Next are announcements of Italian history prizes and lastly the journal contains notes on the contributors, many are from universities in Italy. Each essay and work of writing has many detailed source references. Although very ethnic in nature the journal is well put together and can be of interest even to non Italians. I started gliding through the article on Frank Sinatra and found myself reading it to entirety. The authors explain why being an ethnic had a profound effect on his life. The contributors and editors are scholars and noted historians. Needless to say nearly all had Italian sounding names. I could not find this journal on the internet.
History and Anthropology Journal, Vol.II No.4
This is a very scholarly journal that mainly appeals to anthropologists and is edited in Australia. The scope of this book is to “address the intersection of history with social sciences”. The internet site for this journal asks for a password and subscription fee and I could not access it. The book has four very lengthy essays replete with many footnotes and sources. The writing is very specific and technically oriented to knowledge that an anthropologist would have, and a person from without the field would have difficulty comprehending the theories and concepts presented therein. One of the articles is title “Academic recognition and Sexual Secrecy, Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict” by Lee Wallace while another is titled “Dialects of Localization” by Allen Abramson.
The first article is a comment regarding the anthropologists inquiry into the sexual habits of the Samoans while the latter is about the political articulation of land rights in Fiji since the mid 1800’s. This journal has many pictures (woodcuts etc.) and drawings and comes in hard cover. The content self limits itself to only four essays with no editorial introduction and the journal makes up a 400 page volume.
History of Religions Journal, Vol.40, No.1, August 2000
The History of Religion is a publication put out by University of Chicago religious scholars dedicated to the study of historical religious happenings. The book has four essays about 25 pages each and mostly dealing with eastern beliefs like Buddhism. One of them is titled “Spiritual Accomplishment by Misdirection: Some Upaya Folklore Tales from East Asia. It was impractical for myself to get the gist of what the author intended to convey in this particular piece because I know nothing of Buddhism.. The articles were difficult to follow because they were very scientific and save one knew the theory and background of Eastern religions many of the references are perplexing.
The Journal of American history, Vol.87, No.3, Dec.2000
This impressive journal is published by the Organization of American Historians and in my opinion has an unsurpassed selection of broad historical essays and writings one can find in a journal. There is an internet counterpart at unfortunately access is denied to non-subscribers. The journal is hard cover in book form and separated into an editorial section, contents, exhibition reviews, Book reviews, movie reviews, letters to the editor, Announcements, and recent scholarships. The contents had nine lengthy essays on a wide range of historical topics such as “What Happened to Sex Scandals? Politics and Peccadilloes, Jefferson to Kennedy”, “A Road Closed: Rural Insurgency in Post-Independence Pennsylvania”, “Cinque and the Historians: How a Story Takes Hold” and “Mea Culpa”. The articles are well written and informative and not too technical. Each piece has many footnotes and countless source references and all the authors are distinguished historians. I discovered by reading the article on Cinque, the leader of the Amistad mutiny, that there was actual historical evidence that he bought and sold slaves once he was free in Africa years later after his American trial. It is clear that some of the articles present intriguing facts that are little known or discussed. The exhibition reviews list many traveling and museum exhibits. The book review section lists a brief summary of at least 150 different books. And twenty-two movies are reviewed. The letters section was full of many letters received from Universities around the world. As well the announcements and scholarship portions of the journal were filled with many listings. In general this journal was superior in content and organization to the other journals I had browsed. The information is not discriminating to a narrow group of readers.
History and Theory Journal, Studies in the Philosophy of History, Vol.40, No.1, Feb.2001
This journal is different from the other history journals in that here one finds summaries of lectures, books, essays, and numerous articles that appeared elsewhere in publication. The journal is soft cover and approximately 150 pages. The articles brush on topics like the philosophy of history, historiography, and related disciplines. The critiques are critical and descriptive. All of the authors have prestigious credentials as university historians. Some of the writings are in abstract form as well. Two of them were titled: “The Cage of nature: Modernity’s History in Japan” and “History and Memory After Auschwitz”. I discovered that this publication presented a completely different approach in its’ format when compared to other history journals. It was a refreshing change.
The Canadian Journal of History, online journal at
This is the internet version of a published journal I was able to access. I could not locate the paper version however I found the online information just as thorough as the publication could be. This journal is a peer reviewed scholarly journal published by the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Here one can find historiographical articles and reviews and articles from all periods of history world wide. The added plus of the internet version is that one can access each article in full text or in abstract form and also obtain past issues from any year of publication. Also each writing is in two languages: English and French, as Canada is a bilingual country. The essays are much varied: from “Agricultural Workers in the U.K., 1949-51” to “The Legacy of Bevolkerungspolitik: Venereal Disease Control and Marriage Counselling in Post-WW II Berlin”. There is an electronic reviewer form in this journal that interested parties can fill out to be placed on a list to review books for the journal. All in all it is quite informative and versatile and easy to read. I rate it highly as an internet journal and the site has free public access without a subscription fee.
The American Historical Review, Vol.105, No.5, Dec.2000
This hardbound journal is published in Indiana by the American Historical Association and is quite an informative periodical. It is available free online at The online version contains all the information of the paperbound copy with the added plus of being able to access past issues. The book contains many historical articles and review essays from various time periods and geographical locations. Extent of range of each piece of writing is from “The World in 1800”, to “A World History of Christianity”, to “Old Age from Antiquity to Post-Modernity”. The journal has review essays such as “Is L.A. a Model or a Mess?” and a book review section. There are also articles arranged on a comparative time scale. Most of the pieces are scholarly reading but a few are non-technical enough for an average reader to comprehend. From the writings of the editor and other remarks in print I was able to ascertain that this journal is history teacher oriented. It was well put together and some of the articles even contained prints or photographs. Here I found maps and even a section on historical songs. This was one of the better history journals I was able to find and look over.
The Gilder Lehrman eJournal of American History, online journal at
Despite its impressive sounding name this online journal was the least informative and skimpiest I had found. There was only one article, and it was a transcript of a short manuscript written by Thomas Jefferson. There was a photo of the paper that contained the original article written in Jefferson’s own handwriting. The content was interesting but only half a page long. Of course there were references and footnotes explaining the sourcing of this manuscript. The other accessed pages of this journal listed recent publications that draw on the Gilder Lehrman Collection and there is a small section for a listing of other publications. A reader is able to search the Gilder archives for past issues, which should not take any discernable amount of time since this issue was merely three pages in length.
History Links Online Journal of Historical Resources, News and Information, at www.historylinks
This ejournal is a very instructive news and history resource information guide. One can get a great deal of interesting information from this work. There are many news articles like “East Timor Sending Off Shock Waves” and “Evidence of Bishop’s Murder Emerges”. Other articles discuss all sorts of historical events such as “1921 Tulsa Race riot Probed” and “Jefferson Davis farewell to the U.S. Senate”. There is a monthly feature essay and a section on world news as well as a research section. Past issues can be readily accessed and the style of writing is non technical. These articles make for first-class informative trouble-free reading. Furthermore this journal is the only one I have discovered that is compiled and produced in Buffalo, N.Y.
All the historical journals I have survey are informative. Many of these are geared mainly for scholars and researchers however there are some that are not. There is a great range in type of articles and essays. Some of the journals are quite lengthy in contents while others are very brief, only having a few submissions. A lot of journals are published by historical and or university associations. Nearly each journal surveyed had a specific theme, be it religious, ethnic, philosophical, or otherwise. All journals catered to a select group of readers depending on their interests. And all contained very thorough references and sources.