Universal Design is a house design that allows people who have disabilities to come in to the houses or buildings. It helps people in wheel chair or have broken legs or other serious injuries to enter easily. Most people around the world experience accidents. Houses and buildings should be built with wider doors, modified rooms, and easy to use electrical outlets and controls.
Access for all disabilities can be made possible by designing wider doors that open and close easily. The door should be 36 inches wide which should fit a wheelchair. When the door is open at the right angle it should be 34 inches long. The doors should also have locks that are easy to use, such as locks without key or with the remote control. The door handles should be lever-style to make the handicap open easily. On doors there should be peep holes to make the handicap easy to see but it should be the right height for people using a wheelchair. Another important feature for the disabled is to have enough space for inside or outside the door. (Wilder Research Center)
Every room in the house should be useable by disabled people. The bathroom is the room most often used by everyone at home, so it should be safe and convenient. The bathroom should have enough floor space. The floor space should have 30 inches by 48 inches plus enough space for the fixtures. In the bathroom the toilet seat height must be 17 to 19 inches for old and young people. The bathroom should have handheld shower head that could adjust with the controls that are easy to use. Grab bars are important for safety, and they should be put in the right place. In bedrooms the light switch should be placed between 36 inches to 40 inches from the floor. The kitchen door handle must be lever-style to make people enter easily, the kitchen counters should be round, but the counter should not be sharp. (Vital Aging Network)
It is important to have electrical outlets and controls that are easy to use. Every light switch should be 36 to 40 inches from the floor; the light switch should be easy to switch on and off. The telephone and cables should be 18 inches from the floor. The switches should be visible in the dark. Motion-activated lamps should turn on the light when someone enters the room. The floor lamps and table lamps can be turned on and off with a wall switch, and many electrical outlets for current and future equipment should be 18 inches to 24 inches from the floor. The house should have visible and audible alarms on smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Electrical outlets should be safe for the handicapped. (Senior Linkage Line)
Houses and buildings with universal design will make it accessible for people who have to use the wheel chair. Doors that are wide enough with simple locks will make life easy for the handicapped to move from room to room. Bathroom, bedroom, living and dining room, as well as kitchen should be easily accessible for the disabled person to enter and move about. Finally to prevent accidents and make life comfortable, Universal Designs must have electrical devices that are safe and easy to use for people who are handicapped.