Act 2, Scene 1: The feast is over and it is time for Romeo and his friends to leave. But, Romeo wants to stay to find Juliet and spend the rest of the night with her so he hides on the Capulet property. Mercutio and Benvolio look for Romeo but they do not know that he has feelings for Juliet so they shout of bad things about Rosaline to make him come out. Romeo does not show up anywhere so the two just decide to go home without him.
Act 2, Scene 2: Later that night, Romeo is still wandering around the Capulet property is search of Juliet. He sees light peeking through some curtains on balcony and takes action. He hears Juliet say “O Romeo, O Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” She goes on and on about how much she loves Romeo but is mad at the same time because he is a Montague. Romeo can’t resist just listening anymore so he interrupts her and says her name. She was very surprised that Romeo was there hiding in the bushes listening to her every word. They go on and on about love and they talk about marriage.
Act 2, Scene 3: Romeo finds Friar Laurence who has been missing for a while. Friar notices that Romeo hadn’t been in bed that night and thought he was out with Rosaline but hen thought wrong. Friar goes on about his healing herbs and medicines. Romeo tells Friar that he is over Rosaline and wants to marry Juliet. He also ask Friar if he will do the ceremonies for him. Friar is very surprised Friar Laurence decides he will even though they are from warring families.
Act 2, Scene 4: Mercutio and Benvolio are still on the look for Romeo but can’t seem to find him. Tybalt sends Romeo a message saying that he is going to beat him up. Eventually Romeo shows up and he is happy and excited, which is not what his friends were expecting. They joke around and have fun until the burse comes to meet up with Romeo. Mercutio always flirted with the nurse and talked dirty to her.
Act 2, Scene 5: Juliet waits for the burse to return with a message from Romeo. When the burse does come back, she says nothing about Romeo to tease Juliet. The nurse finally tells Juliet what Romeo said and she said Romeo will be waiting in a cell so they can get married. Also, the nurse tells Juliet that she will find a ladder so Romeo can climb up to see Juliet to spend the night without anyone knowing.
Act 2, Scene 6: Romeo is so excited about the marriage that the Friar has to calm him down to really make him think about the decision he is about to make. Romeo doesn’t really care about anything he says and just gives the impression of “whatever”. Juliet enters the room and the two are all over each other. The Friar goes to get the two to tie the knot so they can go on there so called “honeymoon”.
Kyle Jefferson
August 7th, 2010
H. World Lit.
Period: 5