In the not-too-distant future, the human race has become enslaved to man-made machines armed with artificial intelligence. To keep humans under control, the machines place them in the Matrix, a highly advanced computer simulation program that dictates what we know as the real world. A band of freedom fighters that have broken out of the Matrix battle for the liberation of humanity. They are led by the mysterious man named Morpheus. A young man named Neo is recruited into the organization as a Chosen One who will ultimately free mankind. Will he survive out there, or will they become trapped in The Matrix forever. Watch the movie and find out.
The Matrix is Dark City meets Terminator, with a pinch of Blade and Men in Black. Although it’s been done before in several forms, the story of a simulated reality is intriguing in this flick. What makes it interesting is the point that reality (since it is a computer program) can be bent and even broken. This allows some people to actually enjoy this movie by grabbing their attention. Stuff like characters jumping great distances, running up walls, or moving at superhuman speeds are real attention grabbers.
The special effects are some of the biggest highlights of The Matrix. Even though I am the biggest fan of Gap swing commercial with the frozen panning shots and how virtually cool it looks, I thought they were interesting to watch I the movies, especially on the big screenļ.
Directors Andy and Larry Wachowski have created a very dark and crazy atmosphere. Virtually every scene is tense and full of intensity. When the violence starts, it gets poured on in spades, as in Blade, we get to watch the heroes take on hordes of enemies without breaking a sweat.
Hugo Weaving, who plays a machine in human form called an Agent, is an excellent villain. I know that I am supposed to be sticking with the good guys, but for this I¡¦ll make an exception. They were my second favorite characters. He and his partners are armed with a power over the Matrix that makes them deadly enemies. I guess that there’s a very real threat of danger to the heroes. A few small details also add a nice touch to the Question Reality theme: the explanation of deja vu, the reasoning for why everything tastes like chicken, humans being compared to a virus, etc.
As a bonus, the soundtrack rocks as much as the movie. Tunes from Marilyn Manson, Prodigy, Rammstein, Rage Against the Machine, and a remix of “Dragula” from Rob Zombie fit the mood of the movie perfectly.
I really recommend this movie. It has a little piece of everything so people with different likes and dislikes can enjoy this movie. The Matrix is packed with a lot of good, non-stop action, and reality-bending visuals. Throw in an interesting story about the fate of mankind over the next two centuries, and you’ve got a fun sci-fi action flick.