Throughout life we express ourselves through words. The way we present
ourselves through speech says a lot about our character. The way one speaks to others
can jeopardize the amount of respect and trust others have for them. From the way one
pronounces a word to their posture can affect the way an audience interprets what is being
said. Personally, I am not confident with my speaking skills at this point. I would like
my audience to fully comprehend the concepts or facts that I would present to them. In
order to do so I must improve my speaking skills
I believe that a problem most people, including myself, have when giving
speeches is facing an audience. Just looking out to an audience of a mere ten could get
your knees knocking. I know it is important not to let your audience know that you are
nervous because this could easily make them doubt what you are about to say. It is
impossible to speak at ease without knowing what you are talking about. I guess the only
way to ease this overwhelming anxiety when stepping up to the podium would be through
thorough preparation.
Sometimes when we get up to the podium we feel that the spotlight upon us is just
so unbearable that we tend to rush through our speeches. I know that this problem has
occurred for me many times. The reason I end up doing this is because I cannot wait to
get back to my seat. This is definitely a speech flaw that has to be touched up for me.
How can my audience comprehend a concept I am trying to get across to them if my
speech might as well be in a foreign language? The whole point of a speech is to get a
message across to an audience or a group of people. If you speed through a speech and
just mumble, you are not only wasting your own time but your audiences’ as well.
giving a speech it is handy to have a list of key concepts with you that you want to get
across to your audience. Writing out your whole speech will not do. Writing out your
full speech may cause you to have your head buried in your notes for your entire
presentation. As a high school student you can get away with this, but in the real world
no one will trust you unless you look them in the eye when talking to them. I must admit
that it is very hard for me to look at people when I am giving a speech, but it is imperative
that I do so. I not only want my audience to understand what I am trying to say to them,
but I want them to believe me as well. Also, when you don’t face your audience they tend
to lose interest and start conversations or activities of their own. In order to gain the trust
and respect of your audience, it is absolutely necessary to look them in the eye when
speaking to them.
I hate it when people speak in monotone, but it happens to the best of us. It is so
boring to hear a speech that is given in a monotonous voice without any variety in their
tone. Speaking in monotone puts your audience to sleep. This can happen to anyone who
is reading their speech word for word. It has happened to me, and before I knew it my
speech was over and my applause was nothing close to enthusiastic. You cannot expect
your audience to be interested in your topic if you sound as if you’re not interested in it
yourself. I have to emphasize again that these kinds of situations can be avoided by
thorough preparation and lots of practice.
My behavior when others are speaking depends entirely on the speakers
themselves. If he/she is not excited about what they have to say, I won’t be either.
Usually I try my best to give speakers the same respect I wish to receive, but as I stated
earlier, my respect for what they have to say depends entirely on the presentation of their
This semester, in Personal and Public Speech, I would like to improve my
speaking skills. I would like to be confident when speaking in front of an audience, I
would like to receive the respect of my peers for what I have to say, I would like to learn
how to overcome anxiety and its effects on my speech when speaking in front of a large
group of people, and I would like to fairly earn the trust of my audience. I believe this
class is very important and pertains to future obstacles when entering the work force. I
am really looking forward to building up my confidence and improving my speaking
skills in this class.