Are immigrants a fortune of diversity, or a crushing burden? America has longed
battled the issue about immigration. Today people in general have a very mixed feeling
about the issue of immigration. Immigrants escaping from prosecution built the United
States. Gladly today, America firmly tries to solve many of our economical, political and
social difficulties due to the burden of the thousand immigrants that enters the United
States. Many people argue that immigrants steal jobs from the loyal Americans,
Overcrowds schools, ruin health care system and abuse health and public and federal
services. Michael Huffington, a former member of the U.S House of Representatives
from California, explains: “Spending on illegal immigrants is out of control.” On the
other hand, many argue that immigrants are actually good for America’s present and
future status. Statistics show that immigrants lower unemployment rates, pay more taxes
and expand our economy by consumption of goods and other services. Immigrants also
increase jobs and improve schools. As more Americans become aware of the issue, the
more questions are aroused and the fewer answers we come across. By exploring the
differing views in this matter, we can define our personal vision of what we should do to
come closer to finding the answer we need to solve this problem.
Are immigrants job-takers or job-makers? One of the first issues that came with the
wave of immigrants, was the fact that Americans believe that immigrants steals jobs from
native-born Americans, and increase the competition for jobs. Statistics showed that for
every 100 working low-skill immigrant replace 25 U.S low-skilled worker. The Urban
Institute also estimates that 74% of immigrants hold jobs, against the 72% of the general
male population. Immigrants usually have most of the low-wage jobs that many
Americans would refuse to do. Most immigrants agree with the long hours and low- pay,
this is what makes the unemployment rate to diminish. Immigrant workers for sure
increase the competitiveness for both local and international industries. Most of these
high-paying immigrants are multilingual, with various degrees and with international
knowledge. These immigrants increase payments, multiply the number of jobs for both
Americans and other immigrants. So, there is no reason for natives to worry, or is there?
The National Immigration Forrum explains, “the whole job stealing jobs is a myth.
Almost all the relevant research has found that immigrants do not displace native
workers.” It said. “In truth Immigrants workers stimulate local economies, create jobs
and pay far more in taxes than they receive in public services. Those who oppose this
theory conclude that immigrants displace more than 1 million natives in 1992, and those
Americans displaced cost the U.S $6.1 billion dollars annually from immigrant
competition. Both of these views were based on costs and unemployment, but another
chapter in this issue, is the education element.
How far should we go to educate our immigrant’s children? As more
Immigrants pour in the United States, more and more immigrant children enter the U.S
schools. Many critics argue that educating immigrants are too expensive. All in all the
U.S spends $175-200 million annually on bilingual programs. These bilingual programs
cost $650 a year for each student. Keep in mind that there are over two million immigrant
students enrolled in the U.S schools. Just think if the United States took $1 billion we
spend educating illegal immigrants in California Schools, it would allow us to put anew
computer on every 5th grader school desk. Still there are many factors that many people
realize when constructing their opinion. When educating immigrant children we teach
they laws and rules of the American country. When immigrants attend schools they are
obligated to learn the American ways, and that will make them citizens and part of our
society. Educating the immigrants also enhance the American’s understanding of foreign
cultures and nationality. By exposing kids at a young age to foreign tolerance,
ethnocentrism will be forgotten. The immigrants taught today would receive the same
amount of knowledge as an American would. Therefore, the immigrants would create an
equal opportunity when the job opportunity gets scarce. Immigration at this time is a
growing problem in schools all across the U.S, the decision that comes from this issue
will have a lasting scar on the non-English-speaking children.
Another issue that troubles the U.S are the immigrant’s right to benefits and
public services. Do immigrants pay their way in the welfare state? Some of these benefits
include housing and Urban Development, General Assistance, Medicaid, emergency
services, services for pregnancy women and many other benefits. Michael Huffington
explains, “Many illegal immigrants come for two purposes that are both destructive and
expensive: to commit crimes or to receive government benefits.” Illegal immigrants with
citizen children are eligible for food stamps and many other benefits just as an American
child would have received. Many Americans find we need means testing as a solution, to
find those who commit entitlement fraud. Except the means testing would cost million of
dollars that America can not afford. The National Forrum presented the second view.
Immigrants overall pay more in tax ($85 billion) than they use in welfare ($24 billion.).
They said that most immigrants do not use welfare, and use fewer social services than
United States-born residents. The immigrants do not seem more likely than the natives do
receive the government benefits. Therefore to create more doubts and
mistrust among both immigrants and Americans.
After all the information I have presented to you, it is time to create an
unprejudiced resolution of the improvements and impacts of immigrants. Do they hurt or
improve our economy? Do their tax money support the health programs and public
services they receive? How far does America have to go to educate both immigrants and
their children? In addition, the biggest question, how can we solve this? These different
views are what cause many of the problems and question that create the insecurity and
doubt among the American today. Maybe with these facts and different analysis, we will
eventually have the power and will to solve this infinite puzzle in the United States
1.Michael Huffington. The 1994 “Illegal Immigration.”
Book- Illegal Immigration Opposing Points. Introduction/page 12.
2.The impact of Immigrants on the U.S. “Shattering the Myths.”
Book- The Challenge of Immigration. Chapter 4, Page 59
3. Michael Huffington. The 1994 “Illegal Immigration.”
Book- Illegal Immigration Opposing Points. Chapter preface, Page 63