The world is full of people who is hiding and running away from facing the truth. There are different types of people sharing this world. No one is self-less.
There’s love. There’s hate. There’s betrayed. There’s Sadness.
Everybody thinks about themselves first, right? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell their situations and why they are like that. What made them react that way? The real issue we need to deal with is what should we do if we have to live in this world and survive?
One solution is letting go. Don’t hold it in. It is something that is easy said than done. When someone hurts your feelings, how can you smile back and say “Thank you” Once you lived your life far enough, you will start to realize that you should not take anything too seriously. You should take every situation that came your way, and try to make it the best situation for you to live with ever. To smile to your enemy, to help someone that hurts you, to not response back on hurtful comments. You can be the winner. You can be the star of your own show called “life.” Oh dear, who actually would take this route, what is the satisfaction that comes from it?
Another solution, the road that is commonly taken, is to fight back. To make those who hurts you hurt more. For every harsh comment, there must be a severe punishment. We promise ourselves to do everything we can in our power, whether it’s throwing the words of month or physically attacking the one who wounded us dearly. To become satisfied for a moment, to taste the victory at the finish line, and to finally yell “don’t you ever do that to me again.”
After everything is set and done and after we felt the victory flags waving in our faces, what’s next? Do we feel guilty about what we did (should we)? Or do we just go on with our lives continue to hurt everyone that strike against us. Happiness is within everyone reaches, but how come not so many people can actually grab it. How come the riches have heart-ached, the poor have stomach-ached. Finally, when are we going to learn that happiness is a state of mind?