Confucius was a man of many morals and teachings. He had his own ideas about government, society, religion, rituals, and education. His teachings included his ideas and reflected how society should behave. Confucius stressed education. With education, he taught his beliefs and philosophies to younger gentlemen. In other words, Confucius educated others about his ideas and the power of education. As he taught his subjects, he would also stress the role of a gentleman in society. In modern society, Confucius’s advice still applies.
Confucius believed that a gentleman should be well educated. Before being well educated, a man has to study. Studying means to Confucius; find and older wiser elder who knows the ways of society from their past. In order to learn and understand, he considered learning came from very intensive and attentive studying. On the other hand, he also tells his subjects to be careful not to indulge in studying. According to this, Confucius is torn between two ideas that oppose one another. His teachings were split between studying, and looking back on what was learned to apply it in life. “Anyone learning without thought is lost; anyone thinking but not learning is in peril. ” He means that think before taking action or it would end in trouble.
The goal of Confucius was to create gentlemen who carry themselves with grace and has the ability to speak correctly. Creating such gentleman can produce a better society. His teachings to gentleman show the true meaning of a good life. In his teachings, Confucius also tells how a gentleman should be well educated and obeys the ways of rituals. If the gentleman follows these ways, the he cannot go wrong. On top of his views of a gentleman, Confucius despised the ways of a “petty man.” However the gentleman act, the petty man does the opposite. A gentleman carries himself in a well manner and requests things from him. A petty man’s demeanor shows he wants things from others and makes aware of the bad qualities of others. Gentleman must follow the way of Confucius and not a “petty man” in order to fulfill a good life.
Confucian teachings can be applied in the modern world. In modern world, education is very important. It is hard to live a successful and happy life without education. Education is a chance for great opportunities. Education is a possession that cannot be taking away. In addition, a person must be educated to be displayed as a model to society. People should learn the ways of the world to fit into the world of good lives.