What is it:
Sexual abuse is unwanted sexual behaviour, or sexual behaviour without consent. Such as touching, feeling, rape, etc. Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention. Sexual abuse is about power, the victim has lack of power and the perpetrator abuses them to gain power.
15% of sexual assaults and rape victims are under the age of 12. 29% are 12-17 years old. 44% are under 18 years old. 80% are under 30. 12-34 years of age are the highest risk years. 7% of girls in grade 5-8 and 12% of girls in 9-12 says sexual abuse has occurred in their life. 3% of boys grades 5-8 and 5% of boys grades 9-12 said they were sexually abused. In 1995 child protection service agencies identified 126, 000 children victims of substantiated or indicated sexual abuse. 75% of that was girls. Nearly 30% of that were child victims ages 4-7. In Canada 39% of woman have faced an incident with sexual abuse.(1993) Canadian studies show that 53% of females were sexually abused as children, and 31% of males were sexually abused as children.
In 1993 Canada had the second highest rate for sexual abuse. In a lot of cases with sexual abuse the perpetrator tries to gain or already hast the power over the victim such as if you are sleeping, drugged, comatose. Why victims/survivors may not open up about this fear, dependency, conflicting emotions, age or developmental stage they may be too young to understand, feeling powerless. All non-consensual sexual relations is a criminal offence regardless of the age. Only 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail. 60% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police.
Some foundations and organizations are Joyful Heart Foundation (Founded by Mariska Hargitay) RAINN (Rape, Incest, National Network) (founded by Scott Berkowitz) Mariska Hargitay started the Joyful Heart Foundation in 2002, she has a role as Detective Olivia Benson On Law And Order Special Victims Unit who investigates felonies like rape and sexual abuse. She was shocked at the statistics of sexual abuse in the US. Joyful heart Foundation helps heal mind, body, and spirit and helps survivors reclaim there lives. Some of the activities they do are journaling, poetry, art, and swimming with dolphins.
The Abusers:
The abusers reported are mostly male. Most abusers are not strangers, but are known to the survivor or victim. A Canadian study shows that more than 40% of all child molesters were sexually abused as a child. Some abusers have victimized over 70 children before they are caught. Almost 2/3 of rapes are completed by someone the victim knows. 73% of sexual assaults were perpetrated by a non-stranger. 38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance of the victim or survivor. 28% are intimate, and 7% are a relative. The average age of a rapist is 31 years old in the US. 1 in 3 sex assault perpetrators were intoxicated; 30% with alcohol, 4% drugs. In 2002 8, 8000 cases have been reported amongst child and youth. Including 2, 863 by family members. Over 90% of assaults are committed by someone the survivor knows.
50% of rape or sexual assault incidents reported occurred 1 mile from home or at home. 4 in 10 happened at home. 2 in 10 happened at a friends, neighbours, or relatives. 1 in 12 occur in a parking garage. In a Canadian study in 2002 the statistics for places they were sexually abused were 64% were in a residence 26% in a public place, and 11% were in a commercial place.
43% of rapes occur at 6:00pm-midnight. 24% occur midnight-6:00am 33% occur at 6:00am-6:00pm.
What happens to the victims:
Some incidents can result in pregnancy. Some rape or sexual abuse victims may experience flashbacks. Sometimes victims use drugs, alcohol, self-harm behaviour, or guilt (blaming yourself for what happened) as ways to cope. Being sexually abused can effect the rest of their life they may never trust anyone, they may be very paranoid, they could look to drugs as a coping strategy, they may self-injure, have suicidal thoughts, or They could also experience shame or guilt. Rape can have these effects: 3 times more likely to become depressed, 6 times more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, 13 times more likely to abuse alcohol, 4 times more likely to contemplate suicide.
What are the signs:
The signs of sexual assault are; sleep problems like nightmares, refusing to sleep alone, or insomnia. Extreme clinginess or other signs of fear. A sudden personality change. School problems, running away from home, etc. Someone who has been sexually abused can experience , suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, sleeping disorders, becoming quiet or depressed, they may become physically aggressive, they can become very anxious or substance abuse or they may have run away. The victim can experience; mood swings, seeming distant or distracted, irrational stomach illness all the time, loss of appetite or sudden changes in eating habits, cutting, burning or other self-harm behaviours, or has a negative self image they think of themselves as repulsive or bad.
Overall I think rape is never justified and if you survive it, it will make you that much stronger.