Pay policy- The model pay policy has been updated and changes take place from September 2014. The new policy has been designed to comply with the Equality act 2010. The principles behind the policy is to ensure the process for recruiting and retaining staff is open, transparent and fair. Performance management policy- This is linked in with the pay policy. It is the responsibility of the head and the governing body to have performance reviews, allowing teachers to have feedback on their progress, what they have achieved with pupils in their class and if targets have been met. The appraisal will contain pay recommendations and a decision will be made (evidence based) as to whether this is granted. Grievance policy- Although a school promotes a positive working environment sometimes things go wrong, so this policy has been developed to help employees who have concerns, complaints or any problem at work. This policy provides staff with the opportunity to resolve their problems fairly and in a timely manner. Pupil welfare
Safe-guarding policy- Must be clear to everyone involved with children. The policy states the role of the school, what staff should know and what to do if the welfare of a child is affected. It breaks down the different types of abuse and neglect and is also linked with the staff behavior policy, which all members of staff should adhere to. Health and safety policy- This should be practiced daily. It is of the upmost importance that safety comes first in any area or situation in schools. Risk assessments should be carried out and applied. This is also the case for school trips. Behaviour policy- should state exactly what is expected as good behaviour from pupils and what the consequences are for not following this. Some schools make pupils and parents read and sign this policy to ensure it is fully understood. Anti-bullying policy- this should clearly define what bullying is, what the schools intent is, what its aims are, procedures and guidance for pupils and parents.
Drugs awareness policy- will define what is meant by drug related offences, in school or off the premises, and what the protocol is if anyone suspects or finds drugs. Normally in senior schools where drug taking is expected to be of higher risk because of age, then the issue of searching pupils property needs to be clear. Staff need to be made aware of the impact on pupils education who’s parents misuse drugs and also how to deal with intoxication on the premises. Personal, social, health and economic education- has been part of the national curriculum since 2000. It is a planned program to help children develop fully as individuals and as members of the community. The goal is to provide young people with the knowledge and understanding to practice life skills. It covers a variety of topics for eg bullying, drugs, careers, relationships, citizenship. Teaching and learning
Marking policy- to make clear how teachers mark work and provide feedback. It should be constructive, reflective and positive and should be consistent. Marking should be of high quality and will be monitored. Teaching and learning policy- will state the aims and objectives of the teaching and learning in the school and what is expected of teacher and pupil (both).
Should acknowledge that every child learns differently and allow different strategies to adapt to that. Curriculum policies- there will be a policy for each subject taught ie Maths, English, Science. It will list what needs to covered over the academic year for each year group allowing the teacher to plan lessons in advance. Planning and assessment policy- this is the tool for planning the curriculum. How this is done will determine good or poor results. The aims of the policy should be clear. Evaluate, identify, plan, provide feedback and allow children to take responsibility and to also provide information to parents. Equality, diversity and inclusion
Equal opportunities policy- states that every person is equal and allows employers to take positive steps to fairer recruitment. Explains definition of discrimination and gives steps on how to avoid this. Gifted and talented policy- objectives are- school is responsible for identifying their gifted and talented pupils. To adopt home-school partnerships, provide a range of opportunities for staff development and to report outcomes. Disability and access policy- to do all that is reasonably possible to ensure school facilities, services, procedures and cultures are made accessible to pupils, staff and visitors with disabilities. Race equality and cultural diversity policy- every school will adopt this policy as it states in law that every child will receive the best education they can, regardless of race, sexuality or religion. It will highlight legal duties and responsibilities schools have and show guidelines the school will follow to ensure this takes place. Inclusion policy- by following this policy the school will be displaying that they value each child as an individual and are not allowing barriers to affect a child’s education. This should be read in conjunction with the above policies. Parental engagement
Homework policy- should sum up what is relevant to the curriculum. Why the school chooses to have homework. When it is given out, and when it should be returned. Homework is the responsibility of the pupil. Attendance policy- regular attendance and punctuality are very important for attainment.Poor attendance also affects relationships and pupil confidence. The policy will explain the legal duty of a parent/carer, who the attendance officer is and what will happen if a child regularly misses school (penalty notice).
Home-school agreement-will explain the schools aims and values, what responsibilities the school has towards it’s pupils, the responsibility of the parents and also what the school expects from it’s pupils. It is the responsibility of the school to ensure all parents/carers sign this agreement if possible.