History, a set of record that interprets past events in the development of human beings. Each war, revolution, reformation, innovation, and movement has altered history and lay the foundation for the present and the future. We are what we are, and where we are, because of our ancestors. For example, during 500 B.C. to 1400 A.D., the Renaissance contributed to an intellectual movement, and from 1400-1900, the industrial revolution spurred a production and technology revolution. Each of these changes advanced the way mankind lives, and think. Like Neil Armstrong said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Some people said history is like a mirror, it helps people understand human behaviors. By looking at the mirror, we can improve and learn ourselves through the past events. At the time of turmoil, plague, and repulsive sanitation, a gradual change took place from the medieval times to a period of revival and a passage to modern times begun. This transition gradually started from 1350-1600 and is known as the Renaissance. Contrasting with the past, long traditions are being questioned and education became essential to human improvement. Art, literature, and architecture all took new forms during the revival. Art started to express emotion and personality in contrast to religious matters. The new attitudes about education and individualism developed in the culture transformation have lasted and is the belief we lived by today. From the Renaissance, history teaches us how be more tolerate of other cultures and innovations. Also it helps people recognized the importance of education.
By studying history you can study anything for the simple reason that everything has a history. Even history itself has a history. It is also a way we can know ourselves, the true self. To know yourself means to be aware of what it is that makes you who you are. By knowing yourself, you can improve yourself. And by improving yourself, you can improve others. Human lives in a society, which is built up by individual come in contacts with other individual. History teaches how people would effect on others. Each individual would influence and interact with others human being in some ways. For example, Hitler used his speech and authority to influence all the German and even the control the whole Europe. By studying this, we couldĀ understand the power of speech, and the aware the influence of others.
We can never predict when or what is going to happen. The change throughout history happens like a huge earthquake. It comes so unexpected and quick, yet the impact it has can alter everything to the future. From history the evidence of political, social, economic and cultural changes are clearly visible; however we can only read and learn about. Whether the change was good or bad, history will be an awakening for us. The present and the future all depend on the decision we make in the past. Hopefully from the world events, we can realize our mistakes and keep history from repeating itself.