Cosmetologist is anyone performing manicures, hair cutting, styling, shampooing, makeup or other cosmetology services,” according to The National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences. Hairstylist/Hairdresser, Manicurist/Pedicurist, and Shampooer are job titles that all fall under the umbrella of cosmetology although licensing and training requirements are different for each. I have always dreamed of becoming a cosmetologist and owning my own salon. I feel that I have a future in trying to make others feel beautiful in more ways than one. For a long time a lack of sufficient data and the heterogeneity of the programs, predictions in four fields were not judged to be satisfactory: Agriculture, Cosmetology, Social Science, and Arts and Humanities. Just to get an outlook on this occupation a lot of vital information includes employment outlook, salary, related occupations, education and training, and job duties. According to the The National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences “in January 1999, there were 1,286,000 professionals employed in the nation’s 296,563 beauty salons, barber shops, skin care salons, and nail salons. The typical salon is a small full service salon with 5 stations, 2 or 3 full-time professionals and 1 part-time professional.
Salon owners report an average of 174 clients per week.” According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, “Overall employment of barbers and cosmetologists is projected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through 2008, stemming from increasing population, incomes, and demand for cosmetology services. Job opportunities should be excellent as a growing number of employers report difficulties finding qualified applicants. In addition, numerous job openings will arise from turnover in this large occupation.” Cosmetologists’ incomes come from a variety of sources. They may receive commissions which are a percentage of the price of the service or a salary based on the number of hours worked. All cosmetologists receive tips from clients and many receive commissions on the products they sell. In addition, some salons pay bonuses to employees who bring in new business. “Median annual earnings in 1998 for full-time cosmetologists, the largest occupation in this category, were $15,150, excluding tips. The middle 50 percent earned between $12,270 and $20,540. The lowest ten percent had earnings of less than $11,510, while the top 10 percent earned over $27,270.” Some of the fields that are related to cosmetology included: shampooer, manicurists, pedicurists, hairstylist, and a barber.
The education and training for someone going into the cosmetology field varies in different regions. To become a hair dresser in New York, they must take the written and the practical exams. The written exam consists of 100 questions and the practical is 3 hours, after passing, a person is given there license, and then it has to be renewed every two years. Majority of hair schools, require you on average to take up at least 1500 hours in order to receive a license. By doing this report I have found that I will have to have a lot of time on my hands as well as patience. After finishing at Huston-Tillotson College, I plan to go straight to hair school or alternate hour and try to finish both around the same time. The recommendations that I have to someone wanting to go in this filed is to always be patient and try to love what you do even though it may take a long time. The turn over rate may be large with this field as far as employment is concerned, but you must always remember that there is always a need to feel beautiful.