Was Captain Smith responsible for the sinking of the ‘RMS Titanic’
It was a Sunday night on the 14th of April 1912, earlier that day other ships had warned the crew of the titanic that they would be encountering a few icebergs, these warnings were ignored… Around 11:40pm that night Fredrick Fleet and Reginald Lee spotted a large iceberg directly ahead of the ship. Fleet sounded the ship’s bell three times and telephoned the bridge exclaiming, “Iceberg, right ahead!”. The crew on top deck turned the ship a hard port (left) and issued that the ship was to be put in full reverse, but it was too late, the ship looked like it missed the iceberg but underneath the water the iceberg split the side of the ship open and began to flood the compartments of the ship. Fifteen hundred and seventeen people lost their live that night due to somebody, a lot of people say it was Captain Smith, but how can they be sure…
He Was Responsible
The man who ignored 7 iceberg warnings, the man who was going way too fast, so fast that the ship could not slow down in time for the collision, the man who controlled where the ship was going and the man who was possibly responsible of claiming over 1500 lives and destroying even more families. This man was Captain Edward John Smith, he was an experienced captain for ships but he was getting old and this journey was going to be his last journey before he retired. On Smiths 2nd to last voyage on the Olympus he crashed the ship into a warship named the Hawke, one of the propellers was lost and 2 watertight compartments were flooded. Before this accident he was a world class Captain and had a brilliant reputation, I would have thought that this accident would have changed that but he still got offered as being the captain of the RMS Titanic, if Smith was not the captain 2,223 lives could have made it to America and 1517 lives may have been able to see the sunrise the next morning…
The reason Smith sailed the ship so fast was that he and the other members of the crew wanted to make it to America in world record timing, a lot of people say that this is why he ignored so many iceberg warnings, this evidence cannot be trusted as there is no evidence and I found this opinion on a video a women who lost a family member to the disaster and has blamed Smith for the crisis.
He Was Not Responsible
It takes more than one man to keep a 46,000 tonne ship afloat, it needs a lookout crew, a crew with you to help you out when you aren’t sure what to do, you need to be able to trust the company who designed and built the ship you are in control of, so when it comes to an accident as tragic as this one, there can never be only one person to blame.
Firstly, Frederick Fleet (1 of the two people on lookout duty) did not have his binoculars with him at that moment of time, a lot of non-famous websites and comments from random people suggest that he probably left the binoculars on shore, but newspapers from that day and websites based truly on the titanic point out that the binoculars were on board but they were in a small safe, locked away, he had the key but possibly could not be bothered to get them. This information is more trustworthy than the other piece of information, nevertheless he did not survive so nobody can be sure where the binoculars were (Frederick Fleet survived the disaster but lived all of his life in guilt until he reached the breaking point and he shot himself in the head with a 0.38 calibre after his wife died on January 10th 1965.
A lot of people blame this man, Bruce J. Ismay for the accident, which is understandable because soon after the collision, there was a flaw in a part of the lower deck which was in Ismay’s responsibility, if he had not let this flaw happen the boat would have not snapped in half and the ship would have stayed afloat for another three hours, allowing other boats around to come and assist in rescuing more people. He was also responsible for making Smith sail the ship faster. Ismay was the owner of the titanic. Shortly after the wreck Denver news supply a cartoon showing Ismay in a lifeboat escaping the crisis, this is saying that Ismay was a coward; however, this cannot be trusted as the editor of the newspaper was a life-long enemy of Ismay.
Also, the Captain of the Californian saw the distress flares of the titanic but he claimed that they were just having a party, if he had realised what they actually were there would be a possibility that nobody on the titanic would have had to stare death in the face that night.
The Builder of this ship, Harland and Wolff, Belfast, built the ship using weak iron rivets (these act as a glue, they basically hold the ship together), because Harland and Wolff were so ambitious they had to reach beyond their trustworthy suppliers of iron rivets and had to include smaller forges. Smaller forges tendered to have less skill and experience, resulting in a lower class supply of Iron rivets. If the rivets were stronger than they actually were, the iceberg may not have ripped through the iron, even if it did the water compartments would have flooded a lot slower and the titanic would have had a great chance of staying afloat until the voyage came to a halt at the destination of New York harbour. Thomas Andrews was the director of the company, he was the one who wanted to use untrustworthy rivets, so he is the one to blame about the quality of the metal used, not the company itself. He was also responsible of not making the water compartments up to the height they should be, he claimed that if they were the right height the people in first class would not have enough living space, but because the water compartments were not at the correct height 5 water compartments flooded, but if 4 water compartments were filled the ship would have stayed afloat.
To conclude everything together in my opinion I have to say that the blame spreads across every individual stated above, simply because it is almost impossible for one man to sink a 46,000 tonne ship and kill 1517 people single handed. Not only that but there is unlimited evidence, not only about what is found in newspapers and interviews, but in television programmes where people send down remote control submarines with cameras to investigate the sunken wreck. Personally I think that even if you do the slightest browse of information on the titanic you will find an array of information providing evidence that the crisis contained more than one culprit. If I think about it, there are so many small details that lead up to this disaster, from sub-standard rivets to not having enough lifeboats because if they had the recommended amount they would take up too much room, there are so many small things that could have saved over 1500 lives, that is why I do NOT blame the titanic disaster on Smith I blame it on a lot of people, Including Smith…
Luke McShane