After watching The Planet of the Apes, everyone seemed to leave the movie with a message in mind. Be it the controversial subject matter of Science vs. Religion, animal cruelty, or the cries of the extremeness of war and nuclear weapons. The makers of this film clearly felt the importance of illustrating to the viewers how unjust this society of “superior” apes were towards the humans. It allows the viewer to leave the movie thinking about our own society, and the similarities in how certain people have been severely mistreated here in America. There are many controversial subject matters in this movie. Although each issue is essentially as important and argumentative as the next, the one that seemed to be screaming out was the matter of discrimination. There are many references to discrimination in this film. Some were subtle, while others more palpable. Taylor, and his fellow astronauts, stumble across a society of mute humans being ruled over by apes. The movie mostly used black apes. The fact that the movie was made in 1967, most likely, accounts for this. During that time, a substantial amount of racism was being displayed towards African-Americans. In the movie, the white humans were discriminated against.
The directors did this to represent the racism being practiced in America. The idea of that casting choice was to get viewers to sympathize over how the humans were treated in the movie, and then later realize what it was really directed to. Also in the movie, the lighter apes were leaders and carried the most power. This can be viewed as a reference to our society at the time. People of color normally got the lower ranking jobs. Another matter is that the humans were enslaved in the movie; a major reference to the slavery and cruelty towards the people of color around that time. The filmmakers were sure to make these messages subtle, but also to make sure that they were heard.The filmmakers made the movie so that it was mirroring our own present day environment: the simmering racism and the need for equality. Making a movie gives the filmmakers the opportunity to be heard. It was clear that they wanted the viewer to be engrossed with how the Apes treated the humans, which would be the common reaction. Also, they made it a point to get across the problem of racism by showing an exaggerated example, where the humans were treated more like animals. The filmmakers wanted their audience to be as revolted as possible by this.
The movie would affect people in different ways. The people, who don’t get the message, (hard to miss) would just think of the movie as an entertaining two hours. The others who do notice it would be more aware of the discrimination around them, or realize that they have been discriminating against others and maybe want to change their ways. That kind of reaction is what the filmmakers want from their spectators, and most likely, wanted out of this movie. Aside from the millions of dollars and stardom, it’s really about getting a message across.There is a lot of relation from this movie to us as a culture. Almost every race has experienced being labeled less than another, but the movie most likely was directed towards the civil rights movement, or the “freedom struggle.” In the 1960’s, the movement was to obtain civil rights for black Americans. However, this movie can also be addressed to our history, and our present, as well. America has somewhat repeated itself when it comes to discrimination. Since the discovery of America, there has been discrimination against Natives, the slavery of African-Americans, the relocation of Japanese-Americans into internment camps during World War II, and recently, the discrimination of Muslim-Americans. We all need to stop, take a look at our society and the way we treat each other. We need to realize that racism is only for the close-minded and uncivil, and that it shouldn’t be accepted or tolerated.The Planet of the Apes is a film with many disputatious topics. It also included references to discrimination that the filmmakers wanted viewers to acknowledge and understand. They also had the hopes of viewers preserving this message long after watching the movie. The filmmakers knew that our society needed this issue to be addressed. Does this movie make a huge difference in the world? No, but maybe someone, after this movie, has a different prospective on certain issues in life.