Employees roles and responsibilities
Maintain high standards personal care and hygiene
Be aware of polices surrounding infection in the work place
Practice prevention and control
Report risks to employer
Up to date training
Employers roles and responsibilities
Risk assessment taking place
Produce prevention and control procedures
Provide equipment
Identify hazards and provide prevention methods
Provide training
Keep records
Legislation and standard
Health and safety at work act 1974
Public health act 1984
Food safety act 1990
Environmental protection act 1990
Management of health and safety at work act 1999
Prevention of infection
PPE equipment must be supplied – PPE at work regulation act 1992 Introduce good hygiene practices
Report handling of body fluids – Reporting of injury, diseases, and dangerous occurrences 1995 Store chemicals safely – the control of substances hazardous to health 2002
Disposal of clinical waste and sharps – hazardous waste regulations 2005 Code of practice for the prevention and control of the healthcare associated infection regulation 2010
Wash your hand correctly
Risk assessment
Clean and disinfect items and areas
Impact of infection
Healthcare places such as hospital, care homes, doctors or supported living are particularly vulnerable to infection outbreaks. With sick, elderly, young and disabled people being the most at risk. Infection can be localised and systemic and can be identified by signs and symptoms. Causing:-
Reduced mobility
Infection to others
Time of work
Financial loss
What is “risk”
Risk is when the chance of infection developing is higher.
Potential risks an hazards
Moist conditions
Lack of oxygen
Time for infection to take place
Reusable ppe
Communal areas
Risk assessments
Risk assessment are legally required and are important to keep a infection free environment. They high light the hazards, who is at risk, how to reduce risk, record findings such as changes in condition an help review final out come an weather there is a new potential hazards. They draw attention to high risk areas such as activities or behaviour which means the risk can be reduced or even removed. This can result in further staff training and amendment to company policies.
Personal protection equipment
PPE is disposable gloves, aprons, masks, goggles or paper hair covers which stop or reduce the risk of spread of infection. These do so by creating a barrier against the pathogens that cause infection. A employer has a legal obligation to supply PPE equipment which is covered by “personal protective equipment at work regulations act 1992”. They must supply an maintain PPE, carry out risk assessment and make sure PPE is being used correctly.
As the employee you must use PPE correctly and appropriately, report faulty or low levels of PPE, follow out risk assessment results and dispose of PPE safely an appropriately
Correct use of PPE
Wash hands before use
Use appropriate PPE and only use it once
Make such PPE is undamaged
Makes it covers the area it is intended to cover.
Remove, taking care no contact is made with infected item and dispose immediately after use by appropriate means, don’t touch the bin with contaminated PPE.
Wash hands after disposal
Key principles of good hygiene
Maintain stands of personal hygiene
Bathing, washing hair stops spread of bacteria
Hair care reduces risk of problems such as head lice
Dental care an visits to the dentist prevent build up of bacteria in the mouth which may cause bad breath, tooth decay or even lose. Hand an nail care prevents or reduces risks of spread of infection
Hand washing technique
Washing your hands is important to stop the spread of infection, remove dirt, protect others, clean away unseen pathogens. There are two types of wash areas:-
Soap based for low risk infection areas
Antimicrobial for high risk areas
Alcohol based solution may be used when there is on access to sink areas
1. Check sink an taps are clean
2. Check there is the right equipment such as soap
3. Remove jewellery which my hide bacteria
4. Roll sleeve up
5. Turn on tap
6. Wet hand
7. Apply soap covering all areas
8. Rub hands together
9. Pay attention to in-between fingers, under nails an wrists 10. Dry hands thoroughly