II. REGISTERED OFFICE: The registered office of the company will be situated be situated in the province of Sindh
III. OBJECT CLAUSE: The objects for which the Company is established are: 1. To manufacture, treat, produce, process, prepare, pack, bottle, can import, export, buy, Sell, market, distribute or otherwise deal in any or all types of foods including without limitation all kinds of raw, processed and prepared food and food products including without limitation dairy products, meat, fish, vegetables, poultry, fruit and fruit Juices, powders and syrups;
2. To advertise all or any of the business and goods of the Company in any way that may be thought advisable;
3. To open and operate accounts, overdraft cash, credit and loan accounts and to keep fixed and other deposits with banks, firms, corporations and institutions, loan offices and other concerns;
4. To do all or any of the above things in any part of the world either as principals, agents, Contractors or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others, but not to act as a managing agent
5. To expend money in experimenting on and testing and improving or seeking to improve any patents, rights, invention, discoveries, processes or information of the Company or which the Company may acquire or propose to acquire;
IV. LIABILITY CLAUSE: The liability of the members is limited
V. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL: The authorized share capital of the Company is Rs. 8,500,000,000 (Rupees Eight Billion Five Hundred Million) divided into 850,000,000 (Eight Hundred Fifty Million) ordinary shares of the nominal value of Rs.10.00 (Rupees ten) each with the rights, privileges, and conditions attached. Here to as are provided for the time being, with power to increase and reduce the capital of the Company and to divide the shares in the capital for the time being, into several classes.