How Will Technology Affect The Future Of Our Society?
Scientists and crystal ball gazers have been trying for decades to predict the future of our society. The possibility of nanotechnology has been brought to light in such a way as to excite many into believing that the growth of intelligence will be phenomenal.
This however, could have an effect on society with regards to morality and socio-economic status. Futurists argue that in the near future technological advances that relate to nano-scale devices will be implemented throughout the world.
Nano-bots are being considered for their ability to carry out tasks that have been pre-programmed in an automated fashion with no awareness on the host’s behalf. Nano-devices could be used as controllable extensions of the human body which would give health professionals the ability to monitor and treat throughout the lifespan of organisms.
These plans will of course need a few more years of development and testing.
This is also assuming that this technology is indeed possible and that it can be controlled to produce desired results. If this is the case then humanity seems to be facing a very bright future.
The possibility of artificial intelligence combined with the development of an interface with the human mind makes us look toward the future with much excitement.
Artificial intelligence could help scientists to develop new and exciting breakthroughs. The design of specific minds could be quite possible in this aspect. Of course neuroscientists will need the ability to unlock all the mysteries and secrets of the human brain and make it capable of receiving manipulated abilities.
Using specific measures and abilities it may even be possible to combine the biological capacities and scan and recognize facial features with the speed of computerized equipment and programming.
How this may affect the future of our society remains to be seen.
Of course society itself would have to approve of such measures. It is often stated that change is good however, when faced with things that many of us do not understand or comprehend it can be difficult to get society as a whole to agree to certain scientific methods and breakthroughs.
There will likely be many populations who will refuse due to preconceived beliefs in their own way of doing things. It will be very important to preserve and respect such individuality even if that means leaving behind some populations with regards to intellectual enlightenment.
Critics have often argued that a rift will develop. This however remains to be seen and will highly depend on the breakthroughs that are developed and the populations in question when that time comes.
There will of course be exceptions to every rule. Many wonder if these artificially intelligent individuals will suffer from moral incompetence.
Futurists also wonder if there may be a slight period of uneasiness when such technologies are finally implemented while the majority of society begins to understand and accept these practices.
Of course there are also those who believe that the future of our society is now. With the increasing problems with the environment they wonder if the development of such growth will improve humanities chances of survival.
You do have to consider that 50 years ago a home computer would have been scrutinized by many and now there is one in virtually every home in the world. Who knows what we may see in another 50 years?