Staten Island Teen killed in a Car Accident
A teenager who lived in Staten Island, N.J. was killed along with his girlfriend who’s seriously injured in a freak accident on a road Saturday night, after their respective cars simultaneously lost control on a tricky bend, then collided and crashed into a tree. Clark was behind the wheel of a 1998 Oldsmobile Cutlass, and Ms. Zanichelli (his 17-year-old girlfriend) was following in a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer.
They were on a one lane road so when they rounded a bend in the road, both cars lost control. It was said that his girlfriend ran into him then into a tree. The accident is still under investigation and police are still looking into why two cars swerved off the road. Attempts to reach Clark’s family were unsuccessful early that morning. His friend spreaded the news through Myspace. (A communicative website)
My thought’s and prayers are with the fact that they are young a and died at such a young age. That’s why I’m not in such a big hurry to drive a car and get on the road so quick. I have dreams and a life to live. I feel sorry for every innocent child or human that died. With the fact that he died and his girlfriend didn’t, I know she have a hard time not crying when she’s thinking of what happened along with his family. I know that if that was to happen to anyone in my family it would be hard for me not to cry.
I feel like who ever wrote this story along with a lot of other tragedies with teens now days don’t take much importance in what’s happening to these kids.
Jevon McMillan
Hour 5
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