Should we pay more attention to people who are older and more experienced than we are? being older and more experienced indicates better mastery of handling problems. However, what matters in the advancement of the society is the power of the intellect and vision, not age. If anything, old people are more likely to be conservative, slow to recognize the merit of individual ideas. Finally, they are world in terms of hierarchies instead of individual aptitudes. On the contrary, young people have a major advantage of absorbing resourceful information openly and creating with passion. As a result, it’s not necessary for us teenagers to pay more attention to the elders, but important to be confident in our own ideas. The resistance that older coworkers and superiors showed Maxim Gorky when he was an adolescent serves as a poignant example. Maxim Gorky, a Russian and Soviet author and political activist, was one of the most brilliant authors of the 20th century.
Gorky didn’t live a happy childhood. After an attempt at suicide in December 1887, he travelled on foot across the Russian Empire for five years, changing jobs constantly. It was during this period that Gorky formed an interest in reading and made up his mind to become a writer. He managed to get some books to read in his very limited spare time under rather harsh conditions. This little after-hours hobby was soon discovered by his co-workers, mostly adults much older than he, and inevitably, he was fiercely ridiculed and derided. With indignation and jealous resentment, his co-workers insisted that Gorky was getting too big for his britches—as a poor boy with only two years of schooling, he was presumptuous to think he could become a famous writer.
His bosses even burned his books, took away his candles, and beat him for reading, since, according to them, things in books were never realistic and could only made people escape from their daily work. Nevertheless, as a true genius, Gorky had never been affected by any of them. No matter how many setbacks he encountered, he always firmly held that he would become a writer with the truth and a broad perspective he acquired from his reading. Once, he was beaten so seriously by his boss because of insisting on reading that the doctor was shocked by the wounds and attempted to sue Gorky’s boss. However, Gorky worked out a deal with his boss where he would not sue him in return for being allowed to read. Gorky’s sacrifice, blind determination, and belief in his ability paid off in the end. Gorky’s first book Essays and Stories in 1898 enjoyed a sensational success and his career as a writer began.
He published a dozen novels, including the masterpiece “Mother”, and became known as the greatest writer of the Soviet Union. At the heart of all his work was a belief in the inherent worth and potential of identity. In his writing, he counter posed individuals, aware of their natural dignity, and inspired by energy and will, with people who succumb to the degrading conditions of life around them. All these remarkable reflections come from Gorky’s insistence on reading and independent thinking rather than listening to his boss, the older person, who maintained that because Gorky was in a low social position, his ideas could not keep a foothold. However, Gorky cared about identity not experience. If he paid attention to the opinions of coworkers and superiors just because they’re older, he would never have achieved anything. Thus, although advices from older and more experienced people are precious to the young, they definitely need to consider how much attention they should pay to those advises