1. Students will be able to collect and organize events and appropriate information from the reading to answer questions in detail about the reading. Naomi is required to tell about what she learned about her grandma Ruth. This will allow Naomi to collect information and organize the events into the order that it was read.
4th Grade Reading Sample
It’s very interesting to see how students are able to remember exact events as they occurred within the reading. It will also allow the students to use their critical thinking skills to remember certain things about Grandma Ruth that was told within the story. This will show me that I can design different events to tailor to the criteria being taught. 2. Students will be able to acquire appropriate evidence needed to summarize key ideas from the reading. Students will be asked to answer questions in regards to the key ideas within the reading. This will allow the students to summarize what they learned about Grandma Ruth in the readings.
4th Grade Reading Sample
It’s interesting to see how students would summarize the ideas that make Grandma Ruth an important figure in Naomi’s life. This will show me that students are able to summarize ideas and events within a reading passage, while using short answer responses. 3. Students will be able to identify meanings of words, while using different resources. The students are asked to answer a question in regards to the finding two different meaning of the word “scarred”. This will ensure the students can identify and distinguish meanings of words throughout the text.
4th Grade Reading sample
It’s very interesting to see how different meanings of words are utilized within the text. This will show me that students are able to distinguish the difference between words and meanings. 4. Students will be able to edit grammar usage and mechanics within a reading passage. The students are asked to re-write the passage while correcting errors within the reading. This will allow the students to find mistakes within the reading and make changes as needed. High School Writing sample
It’s interesting to see how each student will find different grammatical errors in reading. This will show that students can edit mechanical errors within the reading and make changes as necessary. This will help assess the students in their editing grammar mechanics. 5. Students will be able to apply and develop appropriate reasoning and purpose to a situation. The students are asked to give reasoning that will support the need to have a longer day.
4th Grade Writing Sample
It was interesting to see how students would revise the school day to support a longer day. This will show the dedication the students have to learning and spending more time in school. This will allow more time to study and prepare the students for end of term and end of school assessment testing. 6. Students will be able to identify and comprehend ideas, events, and procedures while using supporting ideas and details. The students are given multiple choice questions to best identify how diamonds teach the students about the nature of diamonds.
11th Grade Reading Sample
It’s interesting to see how each student with best identify the discovery of diamonds from what was read in the text. The will show the students can examine the text and answer multiple choice questions. 7. Students will be able to interpret information distributed orally or visually with the use of technology. The students are shown a video to watch and answer questions about what the video stated.
4th Grade Speaking and Listening Sample
It’s interesting to see how each student with interpret what the video was stating, as well as how they will answer the question given. This will show the students are able to incorporate technology into daily learning.
Smart Balanced Assessment Consortium. (n.d.).
Frequently asked questions.Retrieved from http://www.smarterbalanced.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Smarter-Balanced-Sample-Items-FAQ.pdf Smart Balanced Assessment Consortium. (n.d.).
Grandma Ruth. Retrieved from: http://sampleitems.smarterbalanced.org/itempreview/sbac/ELA.htm Smart Balanced Assessment Consortium. (n.d.).
Introduction to smarter balanced item and performance task development. Retrieved from Smart Balanced Assessment Consortium website. Smart Balanced Assessment Consortium. (n.d.).
Writing – cell phones [Rubric]. Retrieved from http://www.smarterbalanced.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/ela-rubrics/43019Rubric.pdf