In three to five years from today, as a hard worker, I have many goals set for myself for my near future. I know that by striving for what I want and believing I can do it that I will be where I truly want to be. I definitely will be going to college, a large one where I can meet new people to be with along the way. The business and financing majors seem to interest me the most from past experience, so I can definitely see myself making a career of it someday. In five years, I see myself recieving my Bachelor’s degree and going into my next two years for my PHD. I’d like to start my life and eventually achieve “the American Dream.
” I believe the highest education you can recieve will get me where I want to be, and I truly value education. There are also many other goals I would like to accomplish over the next three to five years. As of right now, I plan to get a small part-time job and keep working my way up for the next few years. I would like to start working at a local bank in my neighborhood, and I know from there only bigger and better opportunities will come my way. I’d like to work longer hours over the summer and eventually get a new job that connects with my major so I can get the experience while getting the education.
I am looking into attending college in New York, New Jersey, Florida and even here in Massachusetts. I can only hope for help from a scholarship to really go into a nice college that’d I would really love to attend. Once I get to college, I plan to work even harder than I ever have before. I take school more seriously than anything because it’s hard to live the life I would like to one day have without a good education. I’ve worked so hard through out high school to get where I am now, and I have no intentions of stopping now.
I believe that if you want something, you need to try your best, or else there’s no point in trying at all. I’d also like to meet new people along the way, who have a similar work ethic and career path interest. Although I’m excited to meet new people, my family is still who matters the most to me, and they’re who I’m really working this hard for. My family has done so much for me, but the one person I’d like to help the most is my mom. She raised me to be the person I am today and I can’t thank her enough for that. Once I get my career going, I want to make life a littler easier for her and the rest of my family.
I believe one day I’m going to be making on Wall Street, my ultimate dream, and I want to give back what she gave to me. No one deserves it more than my family. All in all, I know that as long as I keep working as hard as I do, I’ll get to the point in my life where I want to be. I’m going to make my family happy, along with myself. I know that I’ll be working my dream job, whether it be in three to five years or ten years or more, no if’s, and’s, or but’s. I believe in myself, and that is what truly matters. In three to five years from now, I will be successful and happy with who I am.