Fake exhibitionism! At times of extreme deprivation. When basic amenities themselves fall short. Resources get depleted. Growth graph goes aflat. Economy undergoes recession. Developmental stride shows null and void presence. Existent infrastructure gets corroded. Policies go haywire. New pillars never get erected and foundations never get implanted. Newer reforms show no pronunciation. Fresh voices get no hearing. Non-existent talents get acknowledged. Frivolous populi get fame. Values get obliterated. Insanity gets fine importance. Trivial issues get center-stage. Profanity gets freedom. Dignity gets relegation. Slapstick and voyeurism is in vogue. Philosophy is considered cynical. Simplicity went aloof. Reality is considered philosophy.
Is this the real portrayal of our India, or am I mere flattering with words? Sad but true! This is a land of diversities. Diversities to such an extent that they are laden into the grass roots of our civilization………….. Diversities wash out the core of our existence and we are trapped into a melancholy- An ailment which strikes our chord- wherein, we can not focus on what we are, but instead try to grab what we can’t! A mirage hits our nerves and compels us to touch a reverie which does not exist at all. And we run behind to catch hold of its glimpse like a lunatic dream-catcher. What do we get in return? Nothing but a fistful of sand that elopes from our grasp in fractions of time. Sounds cynical! But that’s our nature and we are bound by it, needless to say. We want to be led and tend to act as followers. Poverty is rooted in our hearts. Impoverishment that is not physical but mental. That’s our destiny!
Indians are what Indians do! Their acts are evident of their mentality. Instead of focusing on the fundamentals, they run behind the infinite. We are living in a small world which is comprised of countless heterogeneous compartments. All different in texture and magnitude. What is common is non-uniformity! That is the basic cult theme on which we can baptize our society. Leave nomenclature apart, our society is segregated into tiny boroughs as if the cups inside the cob of a honey bee. All unique, yet interconnected! But lacking in correlation between any two. Isn’t that wondersome? Who says we are not world classe`?
Why do we focus so much on things that do not belong to our culture? Opening prep schools for cine fanatics, bidding on sports persons, peeking into celebrity lives, paparazzi, page 3, lifestyle fashion-shows, rave parties, brunch feasting, college carnivals, rodeo contests, hip-hop dance shows, metro marathons, selling designer candles, organizing giant tea parties, making hilarious world records, and the list goes on endlessly before we put an end to ourself. Does that mean we start living in a style inherited from our colonial past? Or, are we living in a colonial present continuing this legacy for our generation next? Sounds cliché, but how many times does one has to remind that we are not what we are doing? We are aping someone in an attempt to outdo our existing persona. The raison` de` etre` behind this is unknown and we know it better where the roots of it lie deep seated!
Are we self-sufficient enough to feed every inhabitant of our motherland? Are we accomodating enough to extend an umbrella of enclosure over the head of all those seeking shelter under one roof? Are we self-reliant enough to enclothe` all the creatures of humankind under one yarn? Are we endowed enough to foresight the calamities of nature before the embrace the lives of many? Are we destined enough to acquire prudent materialistic comforts for all, and if not then at least the frugal amenities for all? Film stars who are valued as creme` de` le` crème` on Indian soil, booze over marbled mezzanines and laugh over common workman who built the same through his blood and toil. They don’t know their national language and have disrespect for the same which has given them this much fame! They regret being born as a native and not as a yankee. These new breed of pseudo-whites feverished by Hollywood dreams don’t care about or acknowledge vernacular heritage of their own motherland. That’s pity!
Why do we pretend to act as if we belong to a different part of the world, while we still reside on the land of our own? Changing Indians’ psyche is a formidable task. We try to behave par excellence` in a manner which makes us go way beyond the allowable limits of decency. We should be the way we are and try to make our own environment worth living in! That’s the need of the hour. Perhaps, we need to be aware of our own limits and loopholes that does not make us appear like bufoons befooling our own existence. Britons while leaving Indian soil exclaimed that after them this country would be ruled by goons. How foresighted they were? Actually the present situation is near about same what they said. Our politicians and policy makers are fragile enough to prove their utterance true! No subtle system, only rampage………No order, only annals……………Pretentions, is the name of the game…………How to get red of it? Mend your own ways. Mind in your own business. Don’t peep into your neighbour’s wallet! Count your own beans! Keep your grains out of moth! Think before you say(tributes to our politicians)! Look into the mirror before you perform an action!(Courtesy our new breed of talents)! Peep inside your sleeves, before you pump your sinews(Courtesy our Gen-next youth)! Control your own senses. Don’t fake too much!