Closely related to the presence of pure air water efficient drainage cleanliness and light For floods like what happened just a few weeks ago, you should be aware of the ways to prevent them and how you can prepare for them. You should have efficient or clear drainages to prevent overflowing waters in case of heavy rainfall. Also you should have a source of heat and light for when you need it. You should also have a clean source of water for bathing but especially for drinking. Light
Light is very important especially when there is a flood occurring. You should always have an available source of light whether it’s a flashlight candle emergency light etc. After many days of rain and the sun come out, you should go out and get some sunlight because it is very important and healthy for you. It is also good for people who have been sick during the flood to get some sun because it might help them feel better. Noise
Noise in terms of talking about how bad things will happen during a flood should be avoided because some people might mistake it for something true and might panic and think things that are not exactly true. Cleanliness of rooms. walls and beddings
Maintaining cleanliness in your home and also in the environment will be a great factor in preventing floods, if not prevent it lessen it. Some of the ways are like what were mentioned, efficient drainages and clean surrounding so when the flood occurs there won’t be many garbage floating and the water won’t be as dirty as it is if the surroundings were dirty. Observation of the sick
During floods, there are many cases of people getting hurt, drowning, and getting sick. When people get hurt or get sick somebody should be looking after them and taking care of them. They should ask the person who is hurt or sick things that he might want or if there is any pain so he can determine what type of action to do to help the person.