Over the past few decades, computers have gone from being a rare luxury to an everyday necessity. Most businesses revolve around the constant use of computers, and now, so do our everyday lives.
Currently, our daily routines require the use of computers, and in the near future, are expected to be reliant on them. Even something as simple as reading the morning paper will be accessed via the Internet. Newspapers will be assessable online and, through search engines, you can quickly find what you are looking for. As well, papers from out-of-town will now be available, without the additional charge for delivery. Though the physical ‘paper’ will not be completely eliminated, many people will make the switch to “e-Paper”, as it is more efficient and more conservative of our resources. Not only will newspapers be available online, but so will many great works of art. Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and JRR Tolkien are only some of the authors or playwrights that students will be able to access without a trip to the school or public library. Any great work of literature ever written will be available for use with the click of a mouse. This increased reliance on the computer in everyday life not only is more efficient than multiple trips to the library, but it also helps the environment by reducing the number of trees that are cut down every day, simply for the production of books.
As of late, many technological advancements have been made in the medical field as well. Surgeries are now being performed that, fifteen years ago, weren’t available due to the lesser use of the computer. Surgeons and doctors are now able to diagnose diseases or illnesses through the testing of skin and blood samples. Without computers, however, all of these would have to be done by hand, and would likely take weeks or months before any conclusive results were able to be made. This delay could cause diseases to spread, or even possibly become fatal, due to the slow processing of samples. MRIs and CTs are also being used to help to diagnose diseases and provide clear images within the body, without the need for surgery. As well, online documents are now being kept, which keep doctors updated and automatically notify them when a checkup is required. The space that is normally occupied by filing cabinets full of charts and folders is now empty, allowing for more examination rooms to be made, or, if no new exam rooms are needed, allows the same size staff to fit into a much smaller, less expensive space. This eliminates the cost for storing paper charts which, in Canada, are estimated to be approximately $3 per chart. As well as online documents, online prescriptions are now being used to ensure the correct dosage and prescription is being administered to the patient. With written prescriptions, the estimated error rate in Canada is 34%, while the error rate in online prescriptions is 4%.
Over the past couple of years, computers have made a significant impact on society. Though they increase our need for electricity, they can also reduce our negative impact on the earth. Every year, thousands of trees are cut down, to be used for newspapers, books, medical charts, handing in assignments for class, and more. However, through the use of computers, we can reduce the amount of paper we need daily to very minimal, if any at all. Newspapers and books can be accessed through the internet, medical charts are being recorded online, providing greater efficiency for doctors and pharmacists, and students can submit assignments and projects to the teachers via e-mail, instead of requiring paper to write out and hand in their work. All of these methods for reducing paper waste are extremely efficient. However, through the use of computers, households now require more energy to be able to function. But of course, computers have a solution to this too. Through the use of solar panels, the energy from the sun is now being converted directly to electricity. Semiconductors (the equivalent of chloroplasts in plants) turn the sunlight directly into electricity.
Not only are computers reliable sources of information and great for keeping databases, but they can also be used within the field of education, for assisting students and helping teachers keep tabs on students that are falling behind on assignments. With the aid of computers, students have the option of an online tutor, or talking directly to their teacher via First Class, without the teacher having to give out personal information to students, such as their home email address or their home phone number. Students are also able to type up and print their assignments, as opposed to teachers having to try and read a students messy handwriting. Teachers can also create databases so that they know when a student is falling behind in their work, or if their marks are slipping, simply by the touch of a button. With the increased use in technology in education, students’ can get the help they need, and teachers can notify parents early on if a students marks are declining.
I Think
I think that with these new advancements in technology, students will receive a higher quality of education, and further scientific advancements will be made that will help cure diseases, such as cancer, and maybe even eliminate them altogether. As well, computers will be able to aid in our constant battle with Mother Nature, and helping us to preserve our planet, through the use of solar panels.
However, I also believe that overuse of computers and such technology will eliminate the need for physical activity, therefore causing many more people around the world to become overweight and more inactive. Via the Internet, we will be able to rent movies (eliminates walking to the store), purchase clothing (eliminates walking around the mall), as well as many other daily activities. In the future, computers will be able to perform all of our daily tasks, and life will seemingly get very dull, as computers will be able to do everything that makes our life exciting. Schooling will become more common online, therefore involving less active participation among pupils, and students will have less face-to-face interaction with each other and with their teachers.
Therefore, I believe that computers will help us with our everyday tasks, and in the long run will help us communicate better, improve overall education, improve the quality of our planet, and aid in the research and treatment of diseases. Though the computer has many advantages, over the coming years it will continue to be a necessity in our everyday lives, and very soon our lives will become dependant on it. Computers and similar technological advancements will replace the physical need to do things, and will reduce face-to-face interactions between people, as it is now more efficient to communicate via e-mail or the Internet. Through computer technology, many jobs will be eliminated, as computers will be able to perform jobs more quickly and with less error than jobs performed by humans. This could lower the standard of living, as many people will be laid off, only to be replaced with computers and machinery. I feel that computers will, in the future, replace many people at their jobs and therefore causing people to make a lower annual income, which will cause many problems in the years to come.
Oakman, Robert L. “Computers in Education.” 9 October 1996. 22 April 2008.
Maratt, Joseph. “Computers and Medicine.” 2 April 2004. 23 April 2008.
Unknown Author. “Understanding MRIs and CTs.” 23 April 2008.
Unknown Author. “Government of Canada…” 17 September 2007. 24 April 2008
Unknown Author. “ACM Computers in Entertainment.” 26 March 2008. 24 April 2008
Reider, Jacob. “Practical Use of Computers…” 2002. 25 April 2008.
Unknown Author. “Personal Computer.” 26 April 2008. 26 April 2008