There are seven organizational approaches to examining the human body, each way being significant in that it allows for the human body to be examined from a specific point of view, helps to understand the complexity of each working system, and provides information that is unique to each approach, by organizing the body in a logical and sensible way (Turley, 2011. P. 41).
These seven systems are body planes and directions, body cavities, quadrants and regions, anatomy and physiology, microscopic and macroscopic, body systems, and medical specialty. Each of these approaches can be defined and explained as to how each one is used to examine the human body.
A body plane is an invisible line that divides the body into specific sections, and helps to determine the body direction as well. There are three main body planes; the coronal or frontal plane, the sagittal plane, and the transverse plane. The coronal plane is a length-wise plane that runs from side to side, and divides the body into anterior and posterior (front and back) sections. The sagittal plane is a length-wise plane that runs from the front to the back and separates the body into a right and left side. The transverse plane is a horizontal plane that divides the body into an upper and lower section. Understanding how the body planes and directions work makes it much easier to study anatomy. This helps to be able to visualize the position and spacial locations of the bodies’ structures and to be able to navigate according to direction from one area to another (Thibodeau & Patton, 2008).
Body cavities include the cranial cavity which contains the brain, and cranial nerves; the spinal cavity which is an extension of the cranial cavity and contains the spinal cord and spinal nerves; the thoracic cavity
is in the chest area, and surrounded by the sternum, ribs, and spinal bones. The lungs are contained within the thoracic cavity. The mediastinum is a smaller cavity that is within the thoracic cavity and contains the trachea. The abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity combine together to form the abdominopelvic cavity. This cavity contains organs that belong to the gastrointestinal system, the urinary system, and the reproductive system. All of the organs contained within the abdominopelvic cavity are also known as the viscera (p. 47).
The quadrants and regions divide the lower torso into four quadrants, and nine regions and identify the areas where the internal organs are located. There is the right and left upper quadrant (RUQ and LUQ), and right and left lower quadrant (RLQ and LLQ. In the center of the abdomen, just under the breast bone is the epigastric region, below that is the umbilical region, and just below that is the hypogastric region. On each side of these center regions are the right and left hypochondriac regions, the right and left lumbar regions, and the right and left inguinal regions (
Anatomy and physiology is the study of the structures of the body, and the functions of those structures. In other words, anatomy deals with the structural organization of living things, and physiology deals with the principal organ systems, and how the cells and organs function within their own biological systems. There are two main ways to examine body parts, organs, tissues and cells, one, with the naked eye, and two with a microscope. This is microscopic and macroscopic. Microscopic being so small that it can only be viewed through a microscope, such as cells and the structures within them. Larger tissues and organs that can be seen with the naked eye are called macroscopic (p. 49).
The body system approach means to study the body’s organs and how they function together, and make the human body work and complete. This approach is most useful when studying basic functions such as blood circulation, eyesight, or how we breathe. The body systems that can be studied are the gastrointestinal system, respiratory, cardiovascular, blood, lymphatic, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, urinary, male and female
reproductive, endocrine, eyes, and ears nose and throat (p. 49).
Medical specialties are what actually make up the practice of medicine, and is the study of the body, and all of its systems for medical uses. Medical specialties organizes medical testing, pre-surgical testing, diagnostics, disease and the anatomy and physiology for each of the bodies systems. Medical specialties are used for the naming of certain hospital departments, and physicians who specialize in a certain area, such as the department of endocrinology, or an endocrinologist.
Each organizational approach has a purpose when examining the human body. They can tell just exactly where an issue is according to what plane, quadrant or region, or cavity the problem may be located in, and according to that information would determine what kind of medical doctor or specialist to see and what kind of exam or testing is needed. When working in the medical field, it is important not just to know the human body, but to understand how it all fits together and works together and how that knowledge is used in the health care industry.
The Seven Organizational Approaches to Studying the Human Body. Retrieved on January 20, 2014 from Thibodeau, G. and Patton, K. (2008).
Structure and Function of the Body. (13th Ed.) .
Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis Mo.
Turley, S. (2011) Medical Language. Second Edition, Pearson Education.