Pride is a quality that all people possess in one way or another. Some people take pride in their appearance, worldly possessions, or position in society. The story of Antigone written by Sophocles has two characters who have a tragic flaw of pride. I will show how Creon’s pride of power leads to his destruction, and how Antigone’s pride makes her an honorable character who should be treated as a hero.
Creon is a man who has just become the king of Thebes and has a flaw of having too much pride. He can’t control the power of being over other people and he lets the power go to his head. “ I now possess the throne and all its powers. No, he must be left unburied, his corpse carrion for the birds and dogs to tear, an obscenity for the citizens to behold!”(1272) In getting his new powers Creon decides to make a decree that will not allow the brother of Antigone to be buried, and if someone does bury him then that person will be killed. This goes against the beliefs of most of the people in the town and many feel that it goes against what the gods would see as acceptable. A leader tries to suggest that it could be the work of the gods. “My king, ever since he began I’ve been debating in my mind, could this possibly be the work of the gods?”(1274) This again is a reference that the people are disgusted by what Creon has decreed. They feel like it is gross or disgusting to let a persons body have no burial rights and leave the remains to be against the elements of nature. I think that this decree is inhumane and think that Creon was just using his power to get revenge on Polynices for being against the enemy.
Creon then shows that he has let the power go to his head by refusing advice of an elder. “Stop- before you make me choke with anger- the gods! You, you’re senile, must you be insane? To prove his final act of power Creon informs his son that the person who buried Polynices is his fiancé Antigone and that he will kill her to make an example of his power to all the people under his rule that he would not be disobeyed. Creon’s son Haemon does not want his wife to be to be put to death and pleads with his father. “ I see my father offending justice wrong. That she’ll die but her death will kill another.”(1287) Haemon reveals to the his father that if he continues with killing his wife to be he will flee his presence and kill himself for his love Antigone. In the end Creon realizes that his pride has lead to the destruction of his life and his kingdom. “ I know it myself- I’m shaken, torn. It’s a dreadful thing to yield…but resist now? Lay my pride bare to the blows of ruin? That’s dreadful too.” (1296) King Creon realizes to little to late and because of his pride he loses his son, wife, and daughter in law. “And the guilt is all mine- can never be fixed on another man, no escape for me. I killed them, I, god help me, I admit it all!”(1301)
Antigone is an honorable character in this story of love and rebellion. The only thing that she does is disobey an order that is unjust and bury the remains of her brother. She defies the kings decree and tells him that he is wrong. “Lucky tyrant- the perquisites of power! Ruthless power to do and say whatever pleases them. I’m not ashamed for a moment, not to honor my brother, my own flesh and blood.”(1280) This fit of rage is inspired by her love for her brother and is completely understandable. She calls out the king when nobody else would. She realizes that everyone thinks the kings decree is outrageous, but everyone thinks that they will be banished from the island or killed. “The citizens would all agree, They’d praise me to if their lips weren’t locked in fear.”(1280)
It is impressive that Antigone would speak out against the king in this manner because she is first a woman and second because she knows that her fate could be sealed if she does not try to apologize for her crimes. This display of courage and tenacity makes the reader want to like Antigone and want the king to overturn his decision. It shows that she did not fear death and felt that morals were more important than obeying authority.
This story of Antigone shows that pride can be both a good quality and it can also ruin someone. I think that Antigone should be considered a hero because she stood up to authority when she knew the grave consequences and stood up for her morals and what was right. Creon was a man who inherited power and was not responsible enough to accept the power and rule over a nation. I think that in the end he realizes all his mistakes but it is too late to change the events that had been set in motion by his actions. In the end Creon curses his pride because it leads to his destruction. In the bible there is a verse that says pride goeth before a fall. I think that it is true in Creon’s case because his power leads to the death of his family and the end of him as a king in the eyes of the society he rules. Antigone is a rebel who deserves much better for her efforts to do what any sibling would do if put in her situation. She is an admirable character who stands up to adversity and takes what life gave her.