Maggie Mercado English 1301 Professor Shade Anti- Marijuana Cheech and Chong had it all figured out; when all goes wrong hit the bong. What would it be like if weed was legal? Hippies would think they finally found their utopian paradise; a relaxed, mellow atmosphere with the scent of ganja in the air. Now back to reality. The legalization of marijuana brings up two main issues, those who are pro- marijuana and those who are anti- marijuana. Often times many people are deprived of the truth, and may be led to believe facts that are not true. Although there is a lack of exposure of the facts my speculation is anti-marijuana.
Marijuana as a medicinal drug: There aren’t many convincing reasons why marijuana should be used in the treatment of sick patients. There are many long term side effects from the drug. Such as prolonging puberty in both male and females and unhealthy and underweight children in smoking mothers The Anti- Legalization forum says that marijuana causes impairment of the immune system due to the inability of T-cells to battle off diseases… The Drug Enforcement Administration gives credence to the fact that marijuana is not accepted by any American Health associations, so there is no reason to legalize the drug. There are rumors that marijuana suppresses the immune system.
That rumor was dismissed because the myth was based on a study that gave the animals a near lethal dose of cannabinoids; these results have never been tested on humans. Simply put there is not enough evidence supporting the medicinal use of marijuana. Marijuana and Crime: Marijuana’s influence on crime is another issue considered by the masses. Does marijuana influence crime? Yes, I believe drug- use contributes to crime and violence. A study done on males (18- 49) showed that those who were under the influence of cannabis were 10 times more likely to commit a violent act rather than a non – smoker. Many Police officers say that criminal activity is not caused by dealers, but by those who are under the influence of the drug.
Let’s look at Prohibition as an example. After the repeal of prohibition, gangster activity did not decrease. Legalizing marijuana would only increase the burden of criminal, health, and social services. There is no denying that drug- use changes your behavior and exacerbates criminal activity. Marijuana and the Reproductive system: Smoking during pregnancy has proven to be harmful to unborn children causing difficult pregnancies and harming the child’s intellectual skills. The side effects are real and long lasting.
Dr Drew from the infamous T. V show Love line once said that marijuana can cause birth defects if either the male or female smoked marijuana 4 months prior to conception. Smoking is also known to lower your sex drive. Marijuana can also lower sperm count in males. Which can become a problem if you ” re a smoker who wants to conceive a child after marriage. In conclusion, Marijuana has many side effects that can cause health problems for you and your unborn children.
In fact there are many more than what I have named here. This is just the beginning of what THC can do to your body and brain. Moreover do you really what to risk it just so you can get that mellow, relaxed feeling of having no worries in this world? After all it only lasts for a couple of hours anyway and the problems will still be there when your high goes away. In my opinion the legalization of marijuana will only harm society as a whole.