‘The period we are entering is one of unconventional thinking and unprecedented change, one where all those ideas debated during the previous decade – climate change, GM, consumer behaviour, the impact of web 2.0 on our retail landscape – finally come home to roost,’ says Martin Raymond, co-founder of The Future Laboratory. ‘What’s more, they’re making an impact in ways we were least expecting, and had made little or no preparation for. It’s at this point in time when brands, businesses and organisations ask themselves this: Are we looking forward or back? Are we part of the 21st century, or happy to stay within the familiar grounds of the one just concluded? It’s time to decide (March 2010).
The Turbulent Teens also promise to be a 10-year period of creative growth, market innovation and brand change. Background
The biggest challenge for businesses today in understanding how to take advantage of all the information available to it, and distil it into a meaningful future strategy, executives who can deliver a ‘ to the point’ answer about where the future is going, will be in demand – anyone who is capable of explaining the main ten, five, or even three key drivers shaping not only their industry but the entire business arena create a strategy based on their understanding of today’s society will be in even greater demand. Therefore investing in trend tracking and ultimately taking time out to actively think about the future makes sound business sense.
Changes in consumer behaviour, new trendsetting products or just super-smart thinking on where our societies are headed at large can be found everywhere from papers, websites, mags, blogs, books, news, and newsletters, to seminars, fairs, and trade shows and from customers, clients, colleagues, friends, and family to consultants, researchers, and experts. With such a vast web of resources it becomes even more important that trend tracking is done in a structured and diligent way so that the information gathered can then ultimately be translated into profitable innovations. Tracking trends and mapping them out is a short-cut to creating clarity out of complexity. Creating a ‘trend map’ enables you to decode the broader social content of society and project a realistic holistic vision of the future. A company’s trend map can be GPS to navigating complexity. By considering and carefully understanding what trends will impact society and therefore the business, a relevant innovation plan can be developed.
For your organisation or an organisation that you know of, carry out the following in order to build a ‘trend map’:
1. Identify, explain and critically analyse the three key drivers shaping the business’s industry sector and identify those trends that will impact society and therefore the business.
2. Identify with justification an ‘over the horizon opportunity’ based
upon a trend that is unique to the business.
3. Present the ‘trend map’ for the business detailing the drivers, trends and the identified opportunity, with narrative that supports and develops your argument, and in so doing provides evidence of your understanding of contextual marketing.
Assessment Criteria: The assignment will be assessed on the following criteria: * The identification and development of the key industry drivers, trends and business impact – 50% * The identification of, with justification, an opportunity based upon a trend that is unique to the business – 30% * The presentation, structure and clarity of the ‘trend map’, including appropriate and correctly referenced journals, papers and articles, and other valid resources used. – 20%
Word length: Report not to exceed 2000 words (excluding references, resources etc).
Further guidance – Referencing (Extracts taken from the University of Wales Newport Referencing Handbook) and Plagiarism
* How do you reference?
There are a number of different methods of citing and listing your references or bibliography, but the accepted method of referencing used at University of Wales, Newport is the Harvard System of referencing.
* Where do you reference?
Both references to sources acknowledged in the text and those works which have been of value (for example, for background reading) but which have not been specifically referred to in the text must be acknowledged in the bibliography.
* When do you reference?
You should reference other’s work whenever you draw on it for inspiration, use it as support for a theory or argument, or use it for particular examples.
* Referencing in the Text (In Text Referencing)
Referencing in the text or in text referencing is where all the sources (text based and electronic) which you have referred to in your assignment, essay or dissertation are acknowledged (cited).
Unintentional plagiarism can occur if you fail to follow the rules regarding in text referencing of summarised, paraphrased and quoted work. Every piece of information you use in the text of your assignment, essay or dissertation that is not part of your own original research, be it an argument, opinion, fact, idea or theory must cited and listed in alphabetical order by author/editor/artist surname at the end of the work in the reference section or list.
* Summarising the Work of Others
Summarising or briefly describing the work of another person. Where the author name is not cited directly – put authors’ name and the year of publication in brackets at the end of the summary. e.g. The 1980 study of the speech of witnesses in Carolina court cases investigated whether gender and weakness or lack or power should be conflated in this way (Barr and Atkins, 1981) Where the author name is cited directly and is part of the sentence -put the year of publication in brackets after the author’s name. e.g. In 1980, O’Barr and Atkins’s (1981) study of the speech of witnesses in Carolina court cases investigated whether gender and weakness or lack or power should be conflated in this way. Note: For summaries (brief descriptions of work) and for indirect quotations some tutors may ask you to also include a page number. If in doubt, always check.
* Paraphrasing the Work of Others
Paraphrasing the work of another person or putting their theories or ideas in your words and in your own style must be cited. e.g. The original: Enormous harm had been done to America, and the country was grieving. Many Americans were angry and vengeful. The paraphrased version: America had suffered greatly and was damaged and sorrowful. A great number of the people wanted revenge. (Poole and Richardson, 2006, p. 126)
* Listing the Work of Others
This is a straight forward list of studies/reports/research in a particular subject field. E.g. further studies which have pursued the issue of women’s language or powerless language are Leet-Pellegrini (1980), Beattie (1981) and Woods (1989).
* Quotations
There are two types of quotation you can use when writing your assignment, essay or dissertation – the direct or indirect quote. The direct quote is where you use the author’s own words directly as it was written in the original work. Sometimes, you do not want to use direct quotations i.e. the exact words of the author, but you can still make reference to what they have written; this is indirect quotation. Direct quotes are also treated differently in the text depending on whether they are long or short.
* Direct quotes (Short)
Short quotes (under 4 lines of prose) should be placed in the body of the text and enclosed in quotation marks. e.g. As Bell (1993, p.23) says, ‘Finding information in the first place can be hard enough. Finding it again sometimes afterwards can be even harder unless your methods of recording and filing are thorough and systematic.’
* Direct quotes (Long)
Longer quotations should be preceded by a colon and begin a new line. They should be set off from the text and indented at least or 2.5 cms (1inch).
Quotation marks should not be used. You must include the page number of the quoted passage, with both long and short quotations. e.g. Some of the most sensible advice for anyone carrying out literature search and on keeping records of their findings states that: In the early stages of an investigation it may seem enough to jot down a reference on the back of an old envelope, but old envelopes thrown into a box will not provide you with a reliable resource, and the likelihood is that references will be incomplete and difficult to track down at a later stage. If you are going to need half a dozen references, then scraps of paper may serve, but as your investigation proceeds, you accumulate many sources of information, and an orderly system is necessary from the beginning (Bell 1993, p.23).
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Plagiarism and unfair practice
It is dishonest not to acknowledge the work of other people and you open yourself up to the accusation of plagiarism. The text of this assignment must be in your own words (not even a sentence or phrase should be taken from another source unless this source is referenced or the phrase placed in quotes).
Plagiarism is described as:
* copying text from internet sources, published works or from lecture notes without full referencing and direct quotations * copying another students assignment;
* collusion – which is when work that has been undertaken by or with others is submitted and passed off as solely your own work.
* bringing unauthorised materials into an examination, e.g. copying from notes, downloading material onto a mobile phone etc;
* Fabrication of data, making false claims to have carried out experiments, observations, interviews or other forms of data collection and analysis.
* Presentation of evidence of special circumstances which is false or falsified or which in any way misleads or could mislead Examination Boards. For more information in respect of plagiarism please refer to the University Assessment Regulations at the following web address: