According to researchers, the number of mixed-race couples or interracial marriages in today society are rapidly increasing. For centuries, racism was a strong issue in the United States, but segregation still remains deep in some other countries. Many people opine that Interracial relationship is one the most important thing that ever happened in today society. On the other hand, many individuals from the previous generation believe that Interracial relationships with other races should not be legal. many of the new generation in the united are starting to feel more compatible with other races. It has nothing to do with the color of someone’s skin anymore, or that person income level. It is all about the love and the connection that they have in common. Other just think that white people or other races date or marry someone who belongs to a different race because they want to show them that they are not racist, that is not always true. Diversity in school and in other places really helps adults and children to become more knowledgeable about other races.
Interracial Marriage and Freindship
The author of the Race and America: Rise in interracial marriages reflect a revolution in attitudes stated that “ Mixed-race marriages in the United States now number 1.5 million and are roughly doubling each decade” ( Kristof, 2003, [ p 1] ).
The main reason that interracial marriages and interracial relationship are increasing is that the new generation people become more knowledgeable about all different races. The statement that Kristof made was real because it was so hard to find interracial couples back in the 1960’s than today‘s generation. It is also a welcome sign of desegregation and a good sign to eliminate segregation, the problem that really impacts many people in the United Stated. Teaching young children about diversity, such as different cultures, races and customs is really important in today‘s life. According to Glick and Olson (1998), authors of In black and white mentioned that “ A recent study found that in most picture books, black and whites don’t interact”( Para 14 [p2] ).
Many people go Along with the statement because many individuals believe that there are some books that show interact relationship between black and white characters, but not so many of them do. At the same time, it was much harder to find black and white characters in picture books from the previous generation than today as the new generation. Choosing books as an example make the point clearly. children go to school to learn about different things in life. if the same books that they are using, show interactions or relations between different races, cultures and countries can also help them learn more about these races. Many individuals think that Interracial Marriages and Freindship have many pros and cons because people can learn so much from each other and others think all races should stay together.
On the other hand , many other opponents think that all these interracial relationships and marriages between all different races should not be accepted in the united states. Kristof (2003), author of the Race and American: Rise in interracial marriages reflect a revolution in attitudes stated that “ In 1963, 59 percent of Americans believed that marriage between blacks and whites should be illegal.”( p. 2 [ Para 2] ).
This statement showed that for centuries, specially during the 1960’s, racial inequality was a big problem because people used to think negatively about people of color. Even in today’s community, some people like to keep their racial relationship on the low or kind of quiet ( Kristof ,2003, [ p. 2] ).
That is a really good point, because of everything that had happened in the past, people rather keep their interracial relationship with someone quietly. race. It easily to find young and better educated individuals in the United States to intermarry than older and less educated citizens. These less educated citizens were the people that believe that interracial marriages between blacks and whites should not be legal. These people did not have the same knowledge that people have now in today’s generation. Most of them were brainwashed about keeping races separated. They only believed in what they wanted to believe and did not care about any other races but themselves.
Interracial freindship is more accepted in today’s world because schools are no longer segregated. Diversity in today’s life makes the world a better place to live. According to Oswald( 2008), author of the Why black women are doing the white thing reported that “ the majority of young people have friends or acquaintances of different races and nationalities, and are seen as more tolerant and open-minded that previous generations( [pp 1-2 ] ).
That is a real true and strong statement because the new generation seems to be more educated than the previous generation. People appear to be more comfortable around other races. People now have all kinds of friends with different races. Many people consider the United States as a better place than ever before .The world is friendlier and discrimination among other races seem to be less existed.
What do black women think about Interracial relationship?. Many black women prefer to date white men. Because the majority of them believe that black men are more likely to be unemployed, or more likely to be in prison than white men( Oswald, 2008, [ p1] ).
According to some researches, people found out that unemployment rates for black men were much higher than white men. That is a fact, but at the same time I feel that some people like to judge others because of the color of their skin. Some people actually believe that black women date white men because they think that they have better education( Oswald, 2008, [ Para 1] ).
On the other hand, according to Lynn “Many people assume a White man is with a Black woman because of prowess or that he thinks he owns her. They assume that a White woman is with a Black man because of his sexual prowess, or he is attracted to her because she represents the “forbidden fruit.” That is not true because it has nothing to do with their sexual skills, or the color of their skin. People do say whatever they want to say because they do not have enough knowledge about other races. The real fact is that Black, white, Latinos, Asians and all different races prefer to date someone who belongs to a different because they feel more connected or compatible with the race they are dating. It has nothing to do with the color of the person’s skin, but the love and the connection that they both share.
According to Jim(2005), Author of the Interracial marriages on the increase said that “The number of interracial marriages in the United States increased more than tenfold between 1970 and 2000” ( [ para1] ).
If two people want to be together, what difference does it make what race one of them is?. Many People now believe that racism is not a part of life in the United States specially when it comes to love. It is actually a good thing. According to researchers, people do think that Interracial marriages is a beautiful thing but some of them do think it should not legal, specially the people from the previous generation. —- 1366 words count
Glick, A., & Olson, R. (1998, March).
In black and white. School Library Journal, 44(3), 86. Retrieved June 8, 2008, from Academic Search Premier database.
Kristof, N. D. (2003, January 17).
Race and America: Rise in interracial marriages reflect a revolution in attitudes. News India – Times. 2. Retrieved June 7, 2008, from Ethnic NewsWatch database.
lobe, J. (2005, July 21).
Interracial marriages on the increase. New York Amsterdam News, 96(30), 32-32. Retrieved June 8, 2008, from Academic Search Premier database.
Norment, L. (1999, November).
Black Women Black Men, White Women Black Men. Ebony, 55(1), 218. Retrieved June 7, 2008, from Academic Search Premier database.
Oswald, J. (2008, January 28).
Why black women are doing the white thing.(1035).