Laws, enforcements, and censorship have been developed since the beginning of civilization. With freedom, comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes common sense. In a society or nation of few, laws and restriction tend to be smaller, and less complex. This is contributed by the fact that in small groups, their will be less diversity amongst them. In larger society ranging in millions to billions, the need for a more complex, organized government begins to form. No human is in fact alike, each person possess their own form of will, and much their own point-of-view. In a large mass society, it becomes tedious, and complex to try and rule by anarchy. The need for a common law amongst this civilization is usually formed.
One of the most critical needs of a civilization is communication. In the past, communication was presented by means of both oral and written forms. Unfortunately, this form of communication is slowly beginning to fade with the invention of the Internet. The internet in its whole is nothing more then a mass networked form of wires that send information throughout the entire world. With this invention, the gaps and boundaries of nations or civilization of our entire planet begin to crumble. Internet, or at least the computers that are connected to it, have a common language known as Binary, a mass complex language read in series of on and off signals. All computers read the same language, and since this is a true form of communication, it allows for cultures, nations and society to communicate with each other, whereas before a simple oral or written communication could not be understood commonly from all nations.
What reasons or needs would there be to censor the internet? As with written or oral language, all of its information is created in fact by a human, which can lead towards being corrupted, destructive or mis-interupted by another. Since the internet is a world wide access of information that is available by all nations having the resources for it, rules and laws in one country are not the same in another. Another commonly known use of the internet is for commerce. It allows a person to sell goods from any country to another. This in return could be things such as illegal weapons, plants, and even pictorial art, to that neighboring or distant country or nation that might be prohibited. This argument is in fact fallible, because as with most nations, all goods being imported are regulated, checked, and sent back if any of the contents go against their laws.
Being able to censor a website based off of content is another fallacy. Putting aside morals of right or wrong of content, the simple fact of what one country considers legal, is not always considered legal in another. However, this site is still available to be browsed by one citizen or resident of one country to another as part of being interconnected through the world wide web, in order to truly consider censoring this information, the other country would have to either disengage a form of connections (which is nearly impossible without disabling all connections), and or, have to go into said country and destroy the computer and or, data that is housing and sharing the information. This act is commonly thought as intrusion and can create wars between the two nations. Not to mention the fact of the said country having to literally probe into the other country’s database and locate the person’s location.
The cost of trying to censor the internet, would be so incredibly expensive, time consuming, and problematic, that it would take decades, trillions of dollars, and may even cause wars. The internet itself uses things called ports. Ports are short term for portals, gaps between one connections of information to another. The numerical number of ports possible for a person to gain access from one computer to another is near infinite in possibilities. To be able to fully censor, or block access to another computer, such as a website, the person would have to block an infinite number of ports. One of the closest forms thoughts used in blocking websites, or other computers, is with a numerical stable number called the IP address. It is a numerical number that is assigned to the person’s computer that is given by an internet company. However, banning the IP address only blocks a certain number of ports used by a typical computer user, but in fact will never completely block the website as a whole.
Another hampering would be that, with the vast number of internet providers, that same website or IP address could be changed and hosted or shown on a different provider, which will change the original address and make the site available once again. And further still, another form of hiding behind the censorship would be hopping onto another person’s IP addresses, using it as the one being shown. This in return could be repeated if necessary spreading into a weave of address making it nearly impossible to pin point the said censored site.
Why would it cost up to trillions of dollars to censor the internet? Simply put, we are speaking on a scale of world wide and not on individual nations. To even get the entire world to agree on simply stopping one single website or type of website in all the countries in the world, would take years of disputing and arguments. The cost alone of having ambassadors from every single nation, meeting in one location at a given time is an expensive endeavor, not to mention the cost of having to police or enforce the laws decided.
Also, the cost of software programming, vast libraries of stored data, and teaching un-educated computer users in all countries around the world, but be an expansive process. Their would have to be a massive form of data collection of what type of IP address, certain types of words, and certain type of ports to block. This would not just make the cost of internet access massive incremental raise; it would also slow the speed of the entire network around the world down but a horrible mass decrease.
In short, I believe the internet is the new revolution in communication, but the fact of its mass-connections that span the entire world; it would be like trying to run a government of trillions of people, with thousands of languages, and millions of different cultures to boot. In order to truly censor the internet, the only fool-proof, absolute solution would be to destroy it, which would deny the very tool and breakthrough in technology that has allowed the entire world to for once communicate, if not agree, on a universally accepted level.