In such a new land, early settlers were bound to make mistakes and go through difficult times, but these tests were what made American colonists aware of problems that surrounded them. It was not the problems they faced that made the settlers able to survive in the new colonies, but they way they faced the problems that got them to succeed in such a diverse area. It wasn’t the difficult times that got the colonists to build empires in the New World, but how the settlers forged through when times were rough that allowed them to thrive in early America. Superb leadership is always needed in times of struggle, as is morale of the public. In the particular case of the newly established English colonies, the ability to get along with natives was needed, although the relationship with said natives was usually sour and unhelpful to both parties. Overall the way early settlers handled problems that arose was effective, otherwise the colonies certainly wouldn’t have lasted long in the Americas.
Perhaps one of the greatest test of leadership of the early American colonies was the Jamestown colony and all of its hardships. After first being founded in 1607, from the start starvation and disease began to doom most colonist that attempted to inhabit the land of Jamestown. Even the survivors of the harsh disease were too rash to realize that panning for gold was not as important as gathering food for living. Because of the lack of priority management of colonists, many perished of starvation. But of course if everyone in the world was as mindless as some of the Jamestown colonists the human race would be extinct. Captain John Smith learned from the mistakes of these Jamestown and organized them into effective workers. He regularly preached “He who shall not work shall not eat”, and colonists followed him to the t. Even thought John Smith’s leadership brought change to the Jamestown colony, many colonists still died of disease and starvation.(pg. 28-29- The Starving Time) Jamestown citizens tried to abandon the settlement but in another crucial situation where leadership was needed, a relief party arrived from England headed by Lord De La Warr. Virginia still would suffer great losses from both starvation as well as disease, but extremely valuable lessons regarding leadership were learned that are implied in later settlements. A prime example of this in early colonies was the Plymouth settlement in which the leaders were well-educated and popular amongst the populations of the settlement. Plymouth was more or less an example-setter for future establishments on the east coast, as it was small and didn’t provide much economic output. Without solid leadership and colonist participation no colony or settlement would be able to last long in America.
Although leadership was highly valued in the colonies, it was not the only essential quality needed for growth of empires in the New World. When a family goes on vacation for a couple a weeks it always helps to have good neighbors to keep an eye on the house while the family is away, obviously. The same concept would apply to the relationship of European settlers with the native Americans. When the white men first settled in the colonies of the newly discovered, but already inhabited, land, the white were not at all polite or outreaching to the natives. The Indians did not believe in controlling land, and with this and many other cultural conflicts, relationships between colonists and the natives was bitter from the beginning. The before mentioned John Smith also realized that it was imperative to be able to maintain a cooperative relationship with the Indians, and therefore tried to get along with the natives, which would bring temporary peace with the locals. This peace allowed important food trade with the Indians and settlers that helped the Jamestown colony to get though the rough times of the starving times. In the Carolina colonies trading of Indian slaves was a very big part of the economy but officials from England protested against it, because they also realized the need for a healthy relationship with the natives. The Carolina leaders ignored the protests and if it hadn’t been so strong by 1700, Indian revolts would have over thrown the colonies.(pg. 31- The Great Indian Uprising ) Francis Le Jau of South Carolina was angered by the Indian slave trade and did as much as he could to stop it.(pg. 34-35- A Missionary Denounces…) If no one realized that the relationship with locals was crucial to the development of the colonies few, if any, would survive.
It would have been easy for colonists after the failed Jamestown settlement to give up trying to settle the New World, but they didn’t. They forged forward and because of their risky and brave efforts to build a country in a unknown land, we all can live in this great country today. Leadership, along with the smarts to problem solve effectively all blended in the new colonies and allowed their ultimate success in the long run.
Any restrictions on what an individual believes is completely wrong and unjust. No government should ever intervene with a persons personal feelings of morality just to make them a agree with said government. God gave people free will and limiting peoples action would infringe upon these free wills that are necessary to live a full life. Settlers on the Mayflower came to America looking to get away from religious persecution, but instead some face more than before. Anne Hutchinson’s challenges to the Puritan clergy were put down quick and she was banished, a completely unjust move by the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Roger Williams being banished for fighting for what he thought was right was yet even more unjust than the Hutchinson banishment, although both were unreasonable. Both the above mentioned people inspired future reformations that helped make the American colonies completely free from all persecution and allowed colonists to believe what they want, where they want.
Anne Hutchinson believed that some people were going to be saved by Christ regardless of if they obey laws and live a holy life or not. This belief that she preached was called predestination. She encouraged law breaking and as subsequently, was banned from the colony she lived in. Although her teaching could possibly be disorderly to the law system in the colony, she should still be able to live peacefully and believe what she chooses to believe. One of the real reason of why she was banished was because she posed a real threat to the Puritan church and the church was afraid that colonist would follow and branch out. The leaders of the colony didn’t want separation of any kind so they resorted to ridding the colony of a possible threat. One of the things Hutchinson said during her trial was that God himself told her to preach predestination. The court officials doubted that God influenced Hutchinson and even went as far as saying that Satan may have talked to her.(pg. 45-46- Anne Hutchinson Is Banished) But most people would have reacted the same way if a person claims to have communicated with God. Even in today’s world people that claim to have talked to God are considered outcasts, just as Hutchinson was in the 1600’s.
The key difference is that today that outcast wouldn’t be forbidden to believe what he or she wishes and would not be banished. The Governor who announced Hutchinson’s banishment believed that liberty was to be enforced by authority of the government.(pg. 46-47- John Winthrop’s Concept of Liberty) This in itself contradicts the true meaning of liberty. Liberty is allowing people to practice their own beliefs without restrictions from governments or “authorities”. Anne Hutchinson was banished and possibly that was a good thing for her considering other incidents of severe beating of Quakers for defying the Puritan church. Luckily for those beaten and all Quakers an appeal was sent to the king and afterwards persecutions were ordered to be stopped by Puritans.(pg. 47-48- Puritan Mistreatment of Quakers) Even though Hutchinson and other Quakers were persecuted, they laid the foundation for people later on to challenge religion and push for freedom.
Roger Williams was a popular man who always spoke his mind and with that, came persecution. Being a Separatist, he wanted to completely split from the Puritan Church all together with new ideas and new followers. His main basis for wanting to split from the Puritan was that he believed that the church was corrupt. He also was one of the few people at the time who supported Indians rights. He thought it was unfair for white settlers to push the Indians out of their land without just compensation to satisfy their needs. He also preached that it was unfair for government to mandate religion, which the government obviously disliked and was probably the main reason he was banished. All in all the official reason giving for his banishment was that he preached “new and dangerous opinions. In other words he didn’t believe what the government wanted him to believe, so he was banished. It does not get anymore unjust than that.
When the Pilgrims came from England on the Mayflower they all agreed that they would form a self ruling government that would be fair for the people. The Mayflower Compact was the first document that had the idea of complete freedom in the New World. The framing of the Compact allowed laws and regulation to be made at followed but still did not in anyway limit the freedom of the Pilgrims that survived the journey across the Atlantic. Even before the founding fathers were born, selected people wanted freedom in early America. These people are the real reason why America is what is it today.