Do Video Games have a Positive or Negative Effect?
I am a bit biased on this topic because I am an avid video game player. I’ve played every type of game since I started playing when I was eight. Everything from first-person shooters, like the Halo series, to less violent Mario games, and even the extremely violent Grand Theft Auto series. Since their creation people have said that video games are a waste of time, and they come with little or no benefit, but I myself have played video games and experienced the benefits from playing them. For example, the game “Guitar Hero” is very much unrelated to actual guitar and I didn’t learn how to play guitar solely from playing the game, but the game helped me pick up useful skills necessary to playing real guitar. I was in guitar class and my teacher told me to stretch my fingers in a certain way making a chord, he told me that for a while it would be awkward, but in time my fingers would adjust and become more dexterous. But the chord was absolutely no trouble for me, I put my hands in the aforementioned position, and I felt no strain at all. My teacher said that my hands were as dexterous as his, and he had been playing guitar for decades. I owe this all to video games; the fast button pushing and use of various fingers gave me freer movement of my fingers. Knowing this I wondered what other kinds of benefit video games had to offer, and through my research I’ve found that video games can be tools used in education, for exercise, and for treating the ill. Video games are not without flaws, but the positives of them vastly outweigh the negatives.
Video games cannot only improve one mentally, but also physically. Since the popularization of video games people have said it causes our kids to stay inside and gain weight, rather than going outside and getting exercise, but new developments in gaming have made it easier for one to stay inside and play video games and at the same time exercise. Games like DDR and Wii Sports involve total body movement in order to play. A study done at the University of Nebraska testing oxygen consumption levels and heart rate showed that the games were equivalent to a “moderate-intensity activity” according to health guidelines. This proved that the games were sufficient for a moderate workout, and that they positively affected the kids. Video games are important tools for exercise, but professor of kinesiology at California State University-Chico, Craig Buschner warns that they shouldn’t be the only tools used by educators. He feels that although video games are advanced, nothing replaces the personal interaction of traditional games like tag. [3]
A popular argument against video games is that they are too violent, but the games have an ESBR rating on them, so if a game is intended for age 17+ it cannot be bought by someone under that age. To call video games too violent in general isn’t fair. If video games are too violent, so must be the entire media. On local news we can see explosions and blood equal to what is seen in the most violent of video games. There are studies that suggest negative effects from violent video games, which have shown in MRI scans after 30 minutes of video game play that the games triggered an emotional, rather than planned, reaction. A fear is that this will set kids up for future events during which they will think emotionally, rather than logically. [1] The study proved inconclusive as to whether the side effects were long term. The study ignores, however, the fact that most people play a variety of video games including both violent video games and role-playing games, which present lifelike scenarios which involve the planning part of the brain. Furthermore, a study done by Grant MacEwan College’s psychology department proved that playing video games provides ample threat simulation, so that the body doesn’t need to manifest threat simulation dreams. What this means is that video games provide enough scenarios that present hypothetical danger, so that your body doesn’t have to do it naturally through threat simulation dreams. This means that playing video games can lead to a more restful sleep. [5]
While researching I came across an article claiming that video games were both racist and sexist. It said that the protagonist is always a white male who fights a black antagonist. He also said that the women in video games are unnaturally well-endowed, and this could lead to poor body image in girls. Calling games racist is a blatant fallacy, video games have protagonists of any race and the villain is rarely black. Off-hand I know that “Gears of War” has a protagonist of Latin descent, and “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas” has a black protagonist who is a reluctant miscreant, breaking the law for the right reasons, he is not just a “criminal” as Blackmon, associate professor of English [1] put it. In any case all of the other GTA games featured a white protagonist. In addition many games now have a create-a-player option, which allows the user to be any race he chooses. The sexism is more understandable, games like “Laura Croft: Tomb Raider” feature a female protagonist who is extremely busty. The point must be made clear that the games are not reality, many of the “women” who are well endowed aren’t even human. If anything should be to blame for girls’ poor body image it should be the media or Barbie before any video game.
Playing video games comes with many more physical benefits that are useful in medical and military fields. In multiple studies video games were shown to improve hand-eye coordination and dexterity, which is a key skill for surgeons and pilots. A study done by Manchester University’s Dr. Joe Bryce showed that persons who play video games an upwards of 18 hours a week have the hand-eye-coordination equal to that of professional athletes. Two different studies were done about surgeons and they proved that those who played video games were faster, more accurate, and 37% less likely to make mistakes.[4] The technology can be useful in not just the medical field, but military as well. The government recently created a simulation video game that trains soldiers in “nonkinetic skills” like communication and negotiation. This is going to be used in the training of 20,000 soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. This shows that with video games we will have more apt medical and military personnel and this can really help the world as a whole. In addition to dexterity and hand-eye coordination it increases one’s ability to process information, which is a crucial skill for driving. The study showed fast moving objects going across a screen and those who had played video games before could count the objects more easily and often received perfect scores, whereas those who hadn’t before played video games found it much more difficult and received lower scores. With the ability to process information faster, one can more easily avoid accidents on the road and would make a better driver. As if all of these benefits weren’t enough, gaming can also better one’s reflexes. In fact, NASA trains their fighter pilots with video games to improve their reflexes [4]
To some, video games are a simple outlet for stress, or something to do when you’re bored. To others it is their preferred form of exercise, and to others it is mandatory training for their career. Most arguments against video games stem from a resistance to change, but as time goes on more benefits are coming from the gaming industry, whether it’s helping the disabled or training doctors and our military, video games are becoming an important tool in bettering the world around us.