Three factors that influence BP oil companies operational and contingency planning include, unexpected oil spills. Sometimes the company may experience unexpected oil spill that will require them to change from the original plan. The second factor is natural calamities. Sometimes they cannot control things like floods, which can cause oil burst and affect the flow of the plan. The third factor is Man-Made calamity. These affect the plan of the company because they need to address it immediately.
In 1919, Halliburton was founded by Earle P. Halliburton and is known as one of the world’s largest providers of services and products in the oil and gas industry. Halliburton has many services from locating hydrocarbons, managing geological data, drilling and formation evaluations, to well construction and completion. There are two divisions that make up Halliburton. They are: Drilling and Evaluating and Completion and Production. These two divisions accounted for 18 billion dollars in revenue in 2008. Halliburton employees more than 50,000 people in approximately 70 countries and offer two major business segments.
The Energy Services Group provides the technical products and services for fuel exploration and production, and (KBR) Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. KBR is a construction company that has refineries, pipelines and chemical plants. This paper will cover the various methods of Halliburton’s planning functions of management, legal issues, ethics, and corporate social responsibility. The paper will also explain three factors that influence Halliburton’s strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning. Planning Functions of Management
As planning is an important function of management, it allows an organization to achieve its maximum potential. The planning function is a methodical approach for taking the goal and turning them into plans and strategies. An example of a planning function that Halliburton utilize is Knowledge Management, which is processes, tools, and behaviors that are deliver the correct content to the correct people at the exact time needed and in the correct context so that they can make the best decisions possible for the business, and promote the newest innovative ideas (Leavitt, 2002).
One example of how the Knowledge Management provided value was captured by an electric wire line perforating business development representatives in Houston…. Contingency Planning Contingency & Business Continuity Planning are very important aspects, not only for disaster recovery but also for computer security. Describe the key elements that might lead to an IT- related disaster and suggest ways in which the worst effects of such a disaster might well be curtailed.
Introduction All too often businesses take their IT services for granted. While most are aware of the importance security and backing up information, the value of having an effective contingency and continuity plan is often not appreciated until it is too late. This essay will identify factors that could trigger critical incidents and propose strategies to mitigate the effects of such a disaster.
The purpose of this essay is to outline the key elements of risk management in IT, as well as provide insight into the problem from the perspective of a risk management consultant. This essay recognises that contingency and business planning are very important aspects of any company’s overall strategy. This type of planning is especially important to computer security. In order to demonstrate the value of effective risk management, this essay will first outline the most common IT threats facing organisations and identify how these can be addressed and managed.
This essay will not only identify IT disaster triggers but also identify possible strategies to mitigate these triggers. It is possible to minimise the effects of an IT disaster by cultivating an awareness of the risks and developing strategies to address them. The conclusion will draw on the research gathered within the essay, emphasising effective IT risk management depends on the ability to identify and assess risk factors then develop strategies to either avoid or minimise these risks.