Some may ask, why should I continue my education? How can doing so help me in the further? Continuing your academic success can be very helpful and beneficial in the long run. It could land you a great job, or help you learn things you never could image. When continuing your academic success you should set goals and embrace your learning styles. Educational Goals
Having good organizational skills will help you reach your goals of academic success. Organizational skills are keeping things in proper order, to be organized. For a student to have good organizational skills they must create and maintain a system to keep track of information and or materials. As for myself I can remember some things, but for the most part I have to organize by putting things in writing. To be organized requires time, effort and sustained attention. According to you should do the following to maintain good organizational skills. Keep a calendar, make check list, sort and categorize items, and establish a routine. Doing these things will help keep anyone on track and reach academic success. While having good organizational skills are helpful in reaching your educational goals, time management plays a role also. By having time management skills you can track assignment, plan and set deadlines to make the best use of your time.
Carrying a schedule or planner can be helpful by recording your thoughts and activities from week to week. According to carrying a schedule will help you understand how much you can get done during the course of a day and where you’re precious moments are going. Schedule appointments with yourself and create time blocks. Scheduling time for interruptions is also good, things sometimes don’t go as planned, and so having time set aside for bumps in the road will keep you on track. The last thing in reaching you educational goals is having a good support system and motivation. It’s good to link up with people that will push you to make your goals and task on time. Having family and friends there to give you good advice and help you with your school work is a great way to motivate you to reach your educational goals. Although my academic success is up to me it helps to have support. What I put into it is what I’ll get out of it. Having a generally positive in self-efficacy for school learning and achievement can motivate one to continue their education, Linnenbrink , Elizabeth A ; Pintrich , Paul R. (2002) School Of Psychology Review Personal Learning Style
Knowing your personal learning style will help and show you how you learn. It’s not what the learner learns it’s how they learn it. It’s also important the student has academic achievement and attitude to learn, Gokalp, Murat (Oct. 2013) Creative Education. As I research personal learning styles, learning says learning styles group common ways people learn. Everyone has a mix of learning styles. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning. There are seven types of learning styles. Visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social and solitary. My personal learning style is visual. Visual learners are those who learn best through what they see. Visual learning is the occipital lobes at the back of the brain manage the visual sense. Both the occipital and parietal lobes manage spatial orientation according to learning I have to have video and visual aids to really understand some things. Although I can read something’s and learn it I prefer to have visual aids. Being a visual learner can help me in my career by using graphs and diagrams. Also I can make videos and power point presentations. Writing Process
The writing process has many steps to follow. I have learned through this class I was doing some things wrong. I never wrote a rough draft before this class. I see the importance of the rough draft now. It allows you to change and read over what you have written. Academic writing skills are key skills for success in faculty life not only in terms of advancement but also in terms of advancing one’s research agenda, Dankoski, Mary E; Palmer, Megan M; Banks, Julianna; Bratkiewicz, Randy R; Walvoord, Emily (May 2012) The Journal of Faculty DevelopmentPress the Escape key to closePress the Escape key to closePress the Escape key to close The first step in the writing process is the prewriting or rough draft. This is the step you build your ideas and plan what you’re going to write your paper about, some say brainstorming or free writing. The next step would be writing your paper. In this step you will sit down with your plans beside you and start your first draft. Writing requires concentration and energy, you shouldn’t write for hours at a time. Instead give yourself time limits so you can stay focus.
After the first two steps it’s time to revise your paper, this is the time to remove or add things to or from your paper. Sometimes one of your ideas doesn’t work out or you have too many words in your paper, this would be the time to remove or make changes to your paper. The fourth step would be editing your paper. The editing stage is distinct from revision and needs to be done after you revise your paper. This allows you to make sure your grammar, spelling and punctuation marks are correct. After you have completed all four steps of the writing process it’s time to publish your paper. I have followed all the steps to the writing process and learned how to write a paper from beginning to end. This will allow me to reach my academic goals and make good grades in the future. Resources
The University of Phoenix has many resources for the students to use and apply to their school work. The university library allows me to look up sources and eBooks for papers that may come up for classes. I can view videos and get live assistance also in the University Library. The library also has encyclopedias and if you have a question you can ask a librarian. The Center of Writing Excellence is a great tool to use and have. I can submit a paper to be checked for plagiarism and check for grammar mistakes. It’s good to have great resources to help with your academic success. Academic Integrity
I had to ask myself what is Academic Integrity? According to academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism. Wikipedia .com also states academic integrity is practiced in majority of educational institutions. I think academic integrity is very important in continuing academic success. You have to do things in an honest and trustworthy way. School is very important and you have to show that you’re an honest person and turn in your own work and words. It will also show future employers that you can be trusted to work for a company of high standers or maybe run a fortune 500 company.
In conclusion continuing academic success is a choice I had to make. I wanted a better life and wanted to show my child that it’s never too late to get an education. Education is so important in this life. You have to have it to get a good job, to advance in life or just day to day living. Coming to the University of Phoenix was the best decision I made in a long time. I will push my way through and get to graduation day feeling like I have conquered the world. So as I create goals, master my learning style and take full advantage of my resources I have no doubt I will become academically successful.
Dankoski, Mary E; Palmer, Megan M; Banks, Julianna; Bratkiewicz, Randy R; Walvoord, Emily (May 2012) The Journal of Faculty DevelopmentPress the Escape key to close Gokalp,Murat (Oct. 2013) Creative Education
Linnenbrink , Elizabeth A ; Pintrich , Paul R. (2002) School Of Psychology Review Press the Escape key to close