TITLE: ONLINE RECRUITMENT SYSTEMS NAME: VINCENT K. MOGAKA PAUL DATE: 9TH NOVEMBER 2006 Table of contents PAGE TOPIC 1: Introduction 4 TOPIC 2: Online recruitment systems. 5 : Economic Benefits of online recruitment systems 6 TOPIC 3: Human resource Management in Hospitality management 7 (Case study: Hotel) TOPIC 4: Job analysis, manpower planning, and scheduling work 8 TOPIC 5: Recruitment, selection, and training of employees 9 : Tools and techniques used for selection TOPIC 6: Job evaluation, conditions of employment 13 TOPIC 7: Promotion, termination, and retirement of employment 14 TOPIC 8: Employee condition, negotiation, and handling of disputes 15 TOPIC 9: Summary/ Conclusion 16 TOPIC 10: Bibliography 18 ABSTRACT This research work covers the online recruitment systems and its economic benefits. It Explains the benefits of this system in terms of time saving, cost saving and being the fastest means in which careers are advertised and applications received. It also eliminates the burden of space that is needed to store the hard copies of Cvs. In the perspective of hospitality management the report explains the functions of HR function in this section a case study being a hotel.
It shows the determinants of recruitment as well the training necessary for the hotels staff depending on the size of the hotel as well its customers. The report shows the organizational chart of the HR function in this industry. The information has been collected from various journals, publications in both HR and hospitality management industry. INTRODUCTION Human Resource management has become one of the essential functions in an organization. No organization can do without this department. Human Resource is the function or department in an organization that is has the task to recruit, train, motivate, reward, dismiss, terminate as well as look after the welfare of employees in an organization.1 (Human resource journal, August 2006, IPM (K) Therefore the HR has to ensure that the welfare of employees are taken into consideration.
According to S.Peter in his, dynamics of management, Human Resource is the disturbance handler. It should be able to handle disputes arising out of employees. This HR function has various roles to perform among them recruitment, training, job evaluation, performing appraisal, enduring healthy and safety at the work place e.t.c. Tasked with the responsibility of recruitment, the Human Resource Manager should ensure that proper selection has been done in order to select or recruit the best candidates. Today this process of recruitment has been made easier with the advert of the internet. In this case E-Recruitment has been formed where people across the globe can apply online and even be interviewed online. This process has reduced the expenses of traveling and the costs of handling interviews.
This system of recruitment has gained prominence and has been rated the fourth common method of recruitment. It is through this system that various employment agencies have been established with assist the companies in recruitment systems. Even companies and other organizations have found it easier since they can advise careers on-line and receive applications on-line which are faster and of no burden of storage. The HR function has played a major role in the hospitality industry. This has been enhanced by recruiting, training, and developing the staff in the industry. This ensures that the trained staff available matches the expected volume of customer demand.
For instance in a full service restaurant the seating of customers might average one and a half hours. If the staff is open 24 hours then it is possible to have workers working for 8 hours and replaced by others. Therefore the HR Department must ensure that there are enough employees to satisfy the needs of customers. Needs of the function in Hospitality Management The HR plays a vital role in hospitality industry. These roles classified as follows: (i) Job analysis, man power planning and scheduling work. ii) Recruitment, selection and training of employees. iii) Job evaluation, conditions of employment and welfare of employees. Promotion, retirement, and termination of employment.
Employee consultation, negotiation, and handling of disputes 1) ONLINE RECRUITMENT SYSTEMS Recruitment refers to a process by which potential candidates are selected in an interview to replace or take up new jobs. Recruitment process is done after the candidate has been interviewed and passed the interview. The candidate to be recruited must have the required skills, qualifications and experience if needed. Therefore the potential candidate has to meet both job description and person specification. With the growth of technology, recruitment has evolved through stages. Initially people could only be invited to interview by invitation letters and they were supposed to apply through inland mail. They could fill the form in hard copies and post them so the prospective employee. With the advert of technology, today there is even more reliable and fastest way of recruitment.
A person does not need to travel over long distances to appear for interview. Online recruitment systems have eliminated the burden and made work of recruitment easier. This system has reduced costs and created a link between employers and employees across the Diaspora. This system has yielded hundreds of untargeted applicants thus creating more work. Intelligent applicant tracking has come in because it manages much of the laborious work and target the best candidates for the job. The system minimizes set up costs and the burden of ongoing maintenance. The system has also assisted job seekers to get access to careers on the website. The applicants can apply online and after their applications have been processed they are notified through the internet.
Further to this, the system has made recruitment easy because the curriculum vitae (CVs) of applicants can be kept in the database and whenever an opportunity arises they are notified. It is through this development (online recruitment system) that recruitment agencies have been established which at a small fee link the employers and employees. Economic Benefits of online recruitment systems. The growth of online recruitment system has been driven by a combination of actual cost savings in the recruitment process, increased ease and efficiency for the employer along with an improved experience for candidates. Findings in a recent CIPD survey shows that advertising job vacancies on employers on websites is now the fourth most popular recruitment method. More than seven in ten employers advertise vacancies on their corporate websites, while sub boards are used by four in ten with 73% reporting reduced through using e-recruitment.
The costs savings are typically achieved by: – Reducing the size of advert in conventional print media: The print advert only needs limited information, directing applicant to the website to view a much richer range of information and the opportunity to apply online immediately. Gaining occasional candidates for free: By ensuring the careers website is easily found from the front page of the corporate website, interested applicants browsing the employer website have the opportunity to apply for specific vacancies which are available now or registering a speculation application for the future. Building a talent pool of candidates: Retaining speculative and star candidate for the future, and then contacting them when an appropriate vacancy is advertised effectively generating applicants for free. Reduced a talent pool of candidates: As all applicants are held on a single system, all applicants can be contacted individually or collectively with ease at the click of a mouse, reducing the time, effort and the cost of the administration staff. Pre-filtering administration: The use of selection (killer) questions and selection techniques allows the employer to focus quickly on the most appropriate applicants and efficiently communicate with them very important in a candidate have many options and expect instant response to their applications. Using web recruitment rather than print media or agencies. Offering considerable cost savings (90% or more) and extensive candidate reach for most roles.
In addition to the above; Applicants received a much higher quality of service, ranging from prompt and timely communications through the ability to select own interview time through the online interview zone all of which enhances the employers brand making it easier in the long term to attract staff. Reduced time to hire; all major employers using web recruitment systems report reduced time to hire which have a major economic impact for the employers, getting productive employees in role quicker. Management reporting Giving the employer the knowledge to evolve the recruitment process. 2) HUMAN RESOURCE FUNCTION IN HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY: HOTEL The Hospitality management industry plays an important role as employer. The services provided by employees are considered as integral part or element of hotel products. The concern of Human resources function of the hotel is usually described and covers the following main aspects (functions) Job analysis, man power planning and scheduling work. Recruitment, selection and training of employees. Job evaluation, conditions of employment and welfare of employees. Promotion, retirement and termination of employment.
Employee consultation, negotiation and handling of disputes. 3. Job analysis, manpower planning and scheduling work Job analysis is the process of examining a job in order to identify its component parts and the circumstances in which it is performed. Purpose of the job: What it exists for and what key results are expected from it Setting of the jobs: The physical, organizational and social conditions of the job. The main task that have to be performed in order to achieve the results. Job identification i.e.
title of the job including its code number. Required personal attributes i.e. academic performances. Job relationship, experience required, opportunities for advancement, directions, leadership etc. Job analysis begins with obtaining the pertinent information about the job. This is known as the make-up of a job, its relation to other jobs and its contribution so that the performance of the organization. Information can be obtained by looking at the organization chart, how the job relates to one another and class specification of jobs.
Since analysis all the jobs is costly, only a representative sample of jobs is selected for the purpose of analysis. For this purpose of analysis data should be collected and it should be used in preparing job description and person or job specification. Manpower or human resources planning is also important in this hotel industry. Being a process by which management determines how an organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position. It is the process through which management strives to have the right number and right kind of people at the right place, right time and to do things which will benefit both the organization and individual. Manpower planning involves detailed planning of all types of employees and is concerned with planning of manpower supplies2 (Gorden Mcbeath) Manpower or HRP is the process of determining man-power requirements in order to carry out the integrated plans of the organization 3 (Erican Velter) HRP is necessary since it is through this planning that the organization is able to determine its budget on training, recruitment, appraisals, career development and succession planning, utilization of staff and other functions. It is the function of human resources schedule work especially in the hotels depending on the availability of staff and staff.
For example at the end of the year and Christmas season is when there is a lot of activities in the hotels due to these seasons. So it is upon the human resources to distribute workers equally. For instance food and beverage department being busy should be allocated enough staff. The distribution of employees between the various activities of the hotel provides a broad indication of the occupational requirements of the hotel operation, the range of skills and occupations their grouping within departments and conditions of work are some of the distinctive features of employment in hotels. (4) Recruitment, selection and training of employees Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply in an organization. It involves the process of searching for prospective employees; it is concerned with the range of sources of supply of labour and techniques involved in getting the employees into an organization Determinants of Hotel recruitment In their study of British Hotels (20), the department of employment manpower research Unit identified eight main factors, which determine hotel recruitment.
Size of Hotel (number of bedrooms, number of beds, number and size of restaurants etc) determine the scale and type of operations and the extent to which economies of scale can be achieved. Large hotels tend to have a lower staff or guest ratio than medium-sized hotels and the ratio was also found to be low in small owner managed hotels where the owner and his family generally work longer ….