“In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other are to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.” According to Rogers. Stress typically describes a negative concept that can have an impact on one’s mental and physical well-being, but it is unclear what exactly defines stress and whether or not stress is a cause, an effect, or the process connecting the two. With organisms as complex as humans, stress can take on entirely concrete or abstract meanings with highly subjective qualities, satisfying definitions of both cause and effect in ways that can be both tangible and intangible, from wikipedia.com. Stress is classified into two types: the Eustress or defined as the good stress and the Distress or in other words is bad stress. Eustress can be fun, exciting and energizing, especially in the short-term. Face a sudden danger and resolve the situation safely, and you’ll get pumped and excited; like when we are racing to meet an exciting deadline, getting dressed for our wedding, or flying down a ski slope. It keeps our juices flowing. Just the right amount of stress is stimulating and healthy.
We perform tasks faster and better. Our muscles strengthen. Heart function improves. Stamina increases. Thinking sharpens. Some experts say Eustress even helps our bodies resist infection. On the contrary, Distress is an aversive state in which a person is unable to adapt completely to stressors and their resulting stress and shows maladaptive behaviors. It can be evident in the presence of various phenomena, such as inappropriate social interaction. Stress is caused by Mental, Physical, or Emotional tension. Tension is caused by demands being made to people that they may unable to cope with, according to Babers.
The different causes yields various effects to people suffering from stress, there are many possible effects of stress depending upon the level of stress they are receiving. Like the types of stress there are also positive and negative effects of stress, some positive effects like new self-understanding, new approaches to problems, more realistic goals and expectations, and increased competencies or it can boost self-confidence, according to Coleman Some evident negative effects of stress are depression, anxiety, and illnesses. Stress can manifest in workplaces, at home, and specially in school for students. Sometimes those people are not aware that they are suffering from stress. They can be prone to diseases, ailments, accidents and depression.
As the problem was stated our group agreed to know the different effects of stress to the First Year Physical Therapist Students of De La Salle Health Science Institute to help them identify the things that are stressing them, the same way the researchers also agreed to find out the different coping techniques that the First Year Physical Therapy Students are using.
Conceptual Framework
The Researchers wanted to know the different effects of stress to the First Year BS Physical Therapy Students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute. The researchers made a questionnaire regarding the subject being studied.
The Researchers will conduct a survey regarding the subject being studied. They will ask 80 First Year Students of BS Physical Therapy Students studying in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute. The Researchers will conduct an interview with an expert psychologist together with it is a questionnaire to be answered by the randomly selected students.
The Researchers expects to know the different effects of stress to the First Year Students of BS Physical Therapy Students studying in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute and how the said students cope with the stress they are experiencing.
Statement of the Problem
The study to be conducted will determine the positive and negative effects of stress and the different ways how First Year Physical Therapy Students of De La Sciences Institute cope with the said situations.
The Study will attempt to study and answer the following questions: * Why is there a need to find out the effects of stress to students? * What are the possible benefits that the students can get from our study? * What are the possible ways that the students are using to cope with stress? * What can negative and positive effects of stress cause to First Year Students?
* The researcher presumes that there are still positive effects of stress to First Year Physical Therapy Students. * The researcher presumes that there are more negative effects than positive effects of stress to First Year Physical Therapy Students.
Our group arrived at this kind of hypothesis because we as First year Physical Therapy Students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute can see how our fellow Batch mates encounters stress in their daily lives. This study can also address other Physical Therapy students of De La Salle health Sciences Institute who is also suffering from stress. And this research study can also be address to many college students not only Physical Therapy students but also other college in dealing and managing stress. That is why our group agreed to choose this kind of topic because we know that this study can help us the students together with the whole of College of Rehabilitation Sciences to be more educated about the different effects of stress and efficient in cooperating with the coping strategy that the physical therapy students utilize based on the present stressor.
Scope and Limitation
The Study will be conducted to find out the physical, emotional and mental effects of stress. The researchers utilized 80 respondents that were equally chosen from various first year college students. The respondents were only limited to selected freshman PT student who had been suffering from stress.
The setting of the study will be De La Salle Health Science Institute; collegiate institution located at Dasmariñas City in the province of Cavite during school year 2012-2013.
Significance of the Study
The researchers believe that the outcomes or the results of the study may be beneficial to the following:
College of Rehabilitation Sciences
This study may help the College of Rehabilitation Sciences to be more knowledgeable and well-informed about the stress comprehended by the students and how the college department can serve as an instrument in helping the students to cope with stress. The college being informed about the result of the study may use and apply the information that can get by the College of Rehabilitation Sciences in planning for activities or plans which will match the coping strategies of the students.
Future First Year Physical Therapy Researchers
This study may serve as a vas of knowledge for resulting inquiries related to stress and its coping strategies. Through this study, the future first year physical therapy researchers will determine the elements that aid to attenuate stress situations and then modify and refine these coping strategies.
Guidance Counselor
This study may serve and help the guidance counselors to be well-educated in assisting the physical therapy students in choosing what coping strategies would best suit the stressed students during counseling. The guidance counselor may acquire added information about the coping strategies that the first year physical therapy students may utilize and determine the various perceived stressor.
Physical Therapy Educators
This study may help the physical therapy educators to be more aware of the different stresses that the physical therapy students are experiencing which are associated with learning and school matter. This study may be the key or answer for better communication and relationship between the teacher and the students because the educators may understand the challenges and trials that the students are facing. The educators may aid and facilitate the physical therapy students to better cope with stress.
Physical Therapy Students
This study may help physical therapy students improve their attentiveness on the effectiveness of coping strategies utilize in overcoming stress. This may also present ideas on how they can handle stressors efficiently and be capable in discovering further coping strategies to engage with.
Social Support System
The social support system plays a very important role in the development of personality of a person. The family, friends and substantial others are factors that contribute and add to the coping strategies of the physical therapy students. They may able to perceive the effects of their presence in relation to stress and be able to make themselves an instrument in assuaging stress. Through this study, the social support system may be aware on how to be efficient in cooperating with the coping strategy that the physical therapy students utilize based on the present stressor.
Definition of Terms
* Stress- a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. * First year Physical Therapy Students– the respondents of the research. * De La Salle Health Science Institute– the setting of the research. * Eustress- is consists of two parts. The prefix eu- derives from the Greek word meaning either “well” or “good.” When attached to the word stress, it literally means “good stress”. It is the positive response to stress that is healthy, or gives one a feeling of fulfillment or other positive feelings. * Distress- this means that distress is the opposite of eustress, a positive stress that motivates people. People under constant distress are more likely to become sick, mentally or physically. There is a clear response association between psychological distress and major causes of mortality across the full range of distress. * Stamina- is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds, or fatigue. * Stressor- is a chemical or biological agent, environmental condition, external stimulus or an event that cause stress to an organism. * Maladaptive behaviors – refer to types of behaviors that inhibit a person’s ability to adjust to particular situations. This type of behavior is often used to reduce one’s anxiety, but the result is dysfunctional and non-productive.
The Researchers decided to use a survey questionnaire and come up to these procedures to know the different effects of stress to First Year Physical Therapy Students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute in Dasmariñas, Cavite.
The researchers will use a questionnaire to find out the possible physical, mental, and emotional effects of stress to the First Year Physical Therapy students. The researchers will using 80 respondents from the different first year sections of physical therapy and will ask 20 students per section to answer the survey questionnaire. After having the answering the questionnaire, the researchers will tally the results and will interpret the data gathered.
The researchers will also be having an interview a specialist or psychologist to know the possible positive and negative effects of stress to students.
Appendix A
Interview Letter
January 28, 2013
Bro. Sockie Dela Rosa
General Education Faculty
Dear Bro. Sockie,
It is a pleasure for our group to have an interview with you since you are expert and related to this kind of field. Our group needs to conduct an interview this coming January 28, 2013 at 10:00 am. The interview will consume about 20 minutes if your time allows it or much earlier because we have a target date to complete. Just remind us if you are available, and where you wanted us to conduct the interview to you. Here with the letter are the questions for the interview. We know that you can answer our questions regarding the effects of stress to students. Thank you very much for your time.
Sincerely yours,
Queenie Nicole P. Masajo
First Year BS Physical Therapy
Interview Guide
1. Why is there a need to study about stress?
2. What are the possible Effects of stress in the First Year BS Physical Therapy students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute? 3. Can the students easily adapt with the stress they are experiencing? 4. Can Stress affect the health and performances of the students? 5. What are the possible effects of stress to students?
6. Do you think that knowing the effects of stress can help the said students to cope with it? 7. What are the effects of Pressure to students?
8. What are the possible prevention to prevent stress?
9. What do students possibly be doing if they are stressed out? 10. What can you say or suggest in our research?
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