When deciding the strength of influence movies, television and video games have on adolescents; one must consider all the different factors involved before setting his or her sights on the reasoning. Depending on how one attempts to handle this issue, it could be an exciting or even a very frustrating experience. One should take advantage of all the resources of information available and definitely follow the basic steps even before searching for that perfect solution. Throughout this research paper, one may obtain knowledge, resources and examples on how sex and violence influence adolescents. Most of the potential victims are young and naive, thus covet what they see; human nature. Taking the time to inquire why adolescents are the target audience is a sure way to predict a process of change, but may not be an easy task after all. “Their superior abstract reasoning abilities and their tendency at this age to challenge conventional authority make adolescents particularly susceptible to imitating some kinds of television violence, crime and portrayals of suicide”(Josephson,2011).
Although the information given is based on statistics, the study only covers a small percentage of adolescents. Before parents start looking, a suggestion might take a look at a pro-and-con list of things they may encounter while conducting research in order to prioritize what’s important. Adolescents seem to be influenced easily, especially by their peers. Think about an adolescent’s lifestyle needs such as what their friends are watching and what is currently popular. Adults, parents alike need to investigate and be proactive when censoring their children’s television shows. One cannot turn a blind eye to the epidemic which is rapidly occurring with the sex and violence in television, movies and video games. Assuming that one’s child is following his or her parent’s rules about viewing particular programs does not justify their ignorance. Using proper techniques from an accredited professional while using parental controls will help in the household viewings. This may ensure a positive outcome, most definitely with individual cases.
“There are a number of ways parents can limit their children’s exposure to violence. Restricting the amount and types of programs children watch is probably the most effective and common means of mediation. However, there are also strategies that are specifically appropriate for adolescents” (Josephson, 2011).
Therefore, eliminating movies, television and video games completely is not a solution, but since adolescents are at home when viewing them, perhaps creating parental controls will make it difficult to watch sex and violence. If parents take the time and research or even create a list of questions with possible issues that stem from adolescents viewing sex and violence constantly, they can use this as a guideline to support their fears and interests. Researching this information today, parents can receive a substantial amount of feedback from friends, family, professional agencies even from other adolescents. Parents tend to wish they could recognize and evaluate problems that have already come to light, which is only because they would like to be able and change the outcome. “American adolescents spend an average of 6 hours and 32 minutes each day using media (television, commercials, videos, movies, video games, print, radio, recorded music, computer, and the Internet).
This is more time than they spend on any other activity, exception of sleeping” (American Academy of Pediatrics: Media Violence, 2011).
The process of obtaining acknowledgment is much more available today because of the Internet and use of social networks. Using every available source can help parents understand what they are up against; they are certainly not alone. When acquiring for information, one may submit numerous questions containing personal situations, which may possibly help other families in the process. Here are a few recommendations found while researching the internet. The first obstacle one should tackle is finding specific movies; television shows and/or video games parental guidelines are trustworthy. When beginning a search for a reliable professional, try finding through friends, family, co-workers or even neighbors who may have some insight in this matter.
When continuing a search, chose a professional who suits one’s personal preferences. One should always research a professional and remember that he or she is representing the same interests. Once the perfect solution is found, it is time to check and verify all the statistic, sources such as professional and everything else that the solution entails. “Whether or not the overall influence of the mass media has been good or bad is a question which will, eventually, be better answered by philosophers, theologians, and historians. However from my point of view, while acknowledging the mass media has made many tremendous contributions to our culture, there is more than enough evidence to conclude overall that their influence has not been all that healthy”(Tully, 2011) Adolescents usually will rebel, which parents will have to portray patience and afterwards continue to push the change. Most adolescents tend to rebel against ultimatums, so a realistic approach should be listed to receiving positive feedback.
After a compromise is acceptable, parents can make an offer for new rules so children may commit. Possessing an agreement letter may assist during the negotiating process because adolescents are aware the parents are serious and can receive a punishment quickly. After applying all the information gathered, parents should analyze, clarify, compare and contrast other or similar situations. Parents may then examine the cause and effects on the techniques or advice used and determine if another approach could have made a difference. Using the information collect, parents may feel confident enough to start allowing children some leeway. “The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes exposure to violence in media, including television, movies, music, and video games as a significant risk to the health of children and adolescents. Extensive research evidence indicates that media violence can contribute to aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, nightmares, and fear of being harmed.
Pediatricians and other child health care providers should access their patients’ level of media exposure and intervene on media-related health risks” (American Academy of Pediatrics: Media Violence, 2011).
Fueled with all this knowledge available, parents should feel comfortable in negotiating, which helps receive more feedback from children, especially when deals are struck with their children. “What is finally chosen to be reported reflects the best judgment of the directors or editors as to what they think is important to the consumer or, in some cases, what stories will sell more papers or attract more viewers”(Tully, 2011).
Parents need to take in consideration that some of the information received may not be accurate, and some may be obvious opinions and perspectives; Parents will not always be able to verify the accuracy or validity. However, the strategies gained from all the research allows parents to make judgments whether one could find reliable or accurate information from the library and the Internet. One may find that reading the experiences of previous families certainly assist in making decisions as well.
These are just a few examples one should take into consideration when deciding what type of influence movies, television and video games have on adolescents today. “Although recent school shootings have prompted politicians and the general public to focus their attention on the influence of media violence the medical community has been concerned with this issue since the 1950s.”(American Academy of Pediatrics: Media Violence, 2011).
One should have learned to use different techniques while researching this terrible epidemic regarding sex and violence in the media. Several steps involved may still have some surprises that could arise down the road. This is why it is imperative to have knowledge and do the research. Unfortunately, some of this information came too late for some families, but use every one of the tools presented to assist life decisions. Deciding on what type of influence movies, television and video games have on adolescents may be exciting or a very frustrating in a parent’s life; this totally depends on how much effort is applied to make a change.
American Academy of Pediatrics: Media Violence. (2011).
Retrieved from http://aappolicy.aappublicaions.org/cgi/content/full/pediatircs
Josephson, W.L. (2011).
Television Violence: A Review of the Effects on children of Different Ages. Retrieved from http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/resourse/research_documents/reports/violence
Tully, E (2011).
Mass Media and Law Enforcement—A Time for Reflection. Retrieved from