A Report Submitted to the Continuing Care Committee within NHS Blackburn with Darwen Teaching Care Trust Plus’. A Report Submitted to The Open University Contents:- 1. Introduction 2 2. Perspective on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and Stroke 3 2. 1 Professional perspective 4
Illustrate the traumas which where faced by Earl. By studying Earl’s case study who 63 year, is currently a patient of a nursing home, who has been diagnosed with two major illnesses: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and stroke. Due to these illnesses he had to take an early retirement from the security guard job. He lived with his wife at home until he was admitted in hospital for a long period of time. Due to Earl’s condition he has lost the mobility on the right side of his body, he has gained a lot of weight, also suffer from breathing problem and different mood swings because he not being able to go home.
On this ground it made him frustrated isolated and upset. 2. Purpose of the report: The two main concern which have been occurred and is pointed out from Earl’s case study for the professionals within the health and social care providers of Blackburn: Royal Blackburn hospital, General Practitioner, Nursing home. • Why is earl not being able to progress while he has been living in a nursing home? • How can you put a service user with a choric disease in a good comfortable relaxed atmosphere? This report will explain the various perspectives on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and stroke.
In order to make recommendation the report will identify some key theories, research and practice guidelines. 2. Perspectives on the case of Earl COPD and stroke Two important perspectives will be examined here, and these are………. People had been influenced by the support of British Lung Foundation and NSH’s professional member and helped with the test, the cause and the treatment. Health and social care professionals are being educated about presentation on assessment of the stroke, the stroke treatment and its management by the Internet Stroke Centre.
Professional perspective A number of professionals are important in terms of Earl and these are: 1. Nursing Home Staff 2. Earl’s General Practitioner 3. And so forthlist of key professionals here and also compose an interesting paragraph about why the professional perspective is important in the case of Earl. Do refer to K217 module materials – especially the Offprints book which contains good material about the hazards and risks faced by health workers and the conflict that can arise when challenging situations occur; including ethical issues.
Be specific about the strengths and weaknesses of the professional perspective. In all use about 300 words. It is vital to include in-text references to some external sources too. The outcome professional workers in health and social care sector are G. Ps, nurse, personal assistant, manger and social worker. Come to think of it we all are health and social care users, as we all except the same think which is to get treated equally, professionally that is only possible on a service user’s condition.
However the study elaborates that the staff in the nursing home failed in showing their skills and communication to meet the changing nature of Earls’ needs. A need of adequate professional training is required by the staff (nurses and health care workers) of the nursing home. The workers should be aware of monitoring the situation and also avoiding the situation in order to make them able to fall under crises. To get a professional view of a professional worker I did few Telephone Interviews [Telephone Conversation] (personal communication, 4 June 2012):
One General Practitioner: – they suggested that we prepare our patients by assessing them once they have been fallen the category of being nursed and then they are placed in the nursing home due to their illness and the further treatment which they require. However a major risk of their death in the next year has been involved with it. So, one of the obligations is to mentally prepare a family member of the patient about the possible death of the patient. The service of visiting the service user once in a week has also been offered by the general practitioner.
Another General practitioner suggested that it is vital to build a relationship between the professional of health care and nursing home. Previously, Nurses used to call practitioners to explain a little and ask them to meet patients if possible but it has been improved a lot recently by improving the cnfidence level of nursing home. The nursing home staffs in Blackburn has been declared as the vital workers for the health and resident’s well-being by the general practitioners because the professional workers of the nursing home are with the service users all the time when their condition is deteriorated.
Service user perspective: Again – use about 300 words for this section and refer to a mixture of module materials and external sources, together with in-text references. What is the service user perspective? Explain that fully – and use material such as that located on http://www. institute. nhs. uk/quality_and_service_improvement_tools/quality_and_service_improvement_tools/patient_perspectives. html, or similar credible sources. The criteria of sick role include people with the long term illness and the patients living at Blackburn nursing home fit in that criterion (K217, Learning Guide.
Service user’s views are vital so it can be taken into perspective. The Professional workers of the nursing home can achieve the desired views or outcomes through a questionnaire or a group talk with both family members and the staff. The other possible way is to have own key worker for every service user because in that case a family member or the service user itself would know to interact and communicate directly with their own key worker if they have any concern. Based on the above discussion, Earl should have been provided with a key worker by the management of the nursing home in order to share his feelings and conditions more easily.
Barnes (2006) (K217, Book 1 pp 52) suggested the informal care can include listening and talking to the service user, emotional attachment responding towards their awkwardness and spending time to build up their trust. 3. Discussion Before entering into detailed discussion it is vital to offer some important contextual findings which are directly relevant to the case study of Earl. Humira, start with some words to this effect ……… then use the next page or so to add in some of the excellent charts and diagrams from your TMA 05. This would also showcase your ICT skills.
Number of people with strokes, age, gender, services available and so forth need to be outlined, and are an important part of your research evidence. An option would then be to follow this on with material about NICE and other material located within your later section numbered 3. 2. 1. The contribution of theory Two theories will be considered here and these are……… 3. 1. 1. Advocacy 3. 1. 2. Maslow’s hierarchy of need 3. 1. 3. Arnstein’s Ladder The theories which I will produce from the (K217) would be very helpful in relation to Earl Situation the reason being is that theories help us understand the situation more openly.
So I would discuss the theories from (K217, Book 3, pp 48) it explained precisely which fit perfectly in to the case study on Earl. An example: What can an older person do if they feel that they are getting pressurised through their loved ones to move out of their own home and live in the nursing home? The older person’s view and feelings have been neglected this is the exact feeling and situation that earl is face he is going through advocacy in his life. Advocacy helps people identify and shows people’s views. Therefore changes of circumstances while an illness, pain have a great aspect on the person feelings and being vulnerable.
As my point of view it is important that as a professional worker we can get an idea of the needs which our service users require and what their thoughts might be on all aspects of care? As professional we have to be communicating more widely due to the situation of the service user. One aspect of thought is that Earl will have better quality of life while he is at home because to him that would be his environment and that is where he feels safe and secure. Therefore Maslow suggested the hierarchy of needs to assist social care practitioners and health consultants.
Maslow discussed that a range of needs is required by the users of their service not all of the services are identical and following needs at higher-level become difficult for the person till his/her certain basic needs have been fulfilled. Some people put their basic safety on line and take risks to follow self esteem and self actualization. To see this as Earl’s point of view it must be very frustrating for him to suffer from long term conditions. He is in a nursing home where he requires assistant thorough out his daily basic needs. However him not being able to go home have great implications for his own autonomy.
There are many policies and guidelines and guidelines in order to help his with his one to one needs in his own home. This is all dependent on the finances and the lack of human recourse which would be put in place for it to happen. Arnstein’s theory suggested countless ways in which people can involve themselves in the sectors of health and care. “Ladder of Participation” is one of the important models presented by Arnstein. The author stated that differences between relatively powerless superficial engagement and relatively powerful substantial involvement can be identified and recognised by the way ladder is designed.
The sector of health and social care considered this structure very famous. He further argued that service users have gained concentration on their acknowledgement by getting participated and recognised their standards and it is the main goal of the ladder. Tritter and McCallum proposed the other side of Arnstein’s model and suggested that ladder model is concerned with the service users and the power of their workers. The needs and importance showing any downward or upward fluctuations in power has not been identified in this model and becomes a matter of disappointment.
This is where Earl’s case study fits in perfectly that Earl being a service user his needs and wishes should always be kept forward before making any decision without his presence. Mackian discussed that criteria identifying the service user’s participation and its period of occurrence have not been entirely supported by this model. (K217, Book3, pp 26,27) On other hand if we look at his situation based on the case study we would find Earl’s family Having the difficulties of coping with the high need of care services, nursing care.
There is some group which would provide the family support if they want to consider caring for Earl. My point of view is that important that as a professional workers of health and social care we can get an image of the needs and barriers that our service users require or are facing however we also need to know what their thoughts are on all aspects of care are. As a professional worker of health and social care we have to be communicating more broadly and efficiently due to the situation of the service user.
Another aspect of thought is that Earl will have better quality of life while he is at home reason being is that is where he feels safe and secure. After studying I think he would do a lot better whilst he is settled in his own home. As I studied through the (K217) we also have learned that it is not an easy decision to adopt the role of a carer, and an advice can be taken from another following carer who is currently looking after earl now, but however we shouldn’t forget that the relationship Earl and his wife have would be changed after her taking the role of carer.
Earl’s condition isn’t going to improve as he has got long term illness; COPD and stroke so, the professional workers should make little progress to make his life a little easier. 2. What can be learnt from research and practice guidelines? Research is a vital part of the report. The key findings are presented below: – Equality and human rights commission explains the numerous rights under the European Convention on Human Rights; acting thought the human Rights Act 1988 . U. K.
The Human rights in Health care sets out a framework to assist professionalism so that there is a high quality of health services delivered for service users. Royal College of Physicians explains the national clinical guidelines for stroke the third edition was published in 2008. Guidelines were based on the NICE recommendations; guidelines include: an updated information booklet for stroke patients and their careers. Also includes profession guides for nurses, dieticians, physiotherapist and speech and language therapist.
The British Lung Foundation team has held events and campaign to raise awareness of signs of Lung disease and emphasises people to go though the free lung function test. 3. 3 Advantages and disadvantages Critical Discussion of options to improve the situation for Earl Decide here Humira about what your overall options will be about improving things for Earl. Imagine you are ‘talking’ to the audience you have already described. 3. 3. 1 Option A – Support Earl more effectively within the Nursing Home Discuss this using about 250 words, and describe the advantages and disadvantages