The Bill of Rights states that every human being deserves to be treated equally, but in society it’s evident that we have set boundaries around certain “groups” throughout history. These groups are usually the minority, and can be dumped on because they are not part of the majority – or are even considered abnormal. But what happens when the minority gets bigger, and can actually voice it’s own opinions on the meaning of life? Topics arise, and questions come to the point where they have to be answered. The gay lifestyle has become a way of life for many people, and with more people feeling like the majority they have come out of the closet strong. Some become writers such as Andrew Sullivan or Lindsy Van Gelder, telling stories of their own in writings such as “What is a Homosexual?” and “Marriage as a Restricted Club.” These people give us the energy to shout out our own views on subjects concerning gay rights and marriages. Every state has it’s own laws on homosexuality just as every person has his own particular views on society, mine just happen to be very clear-cut. A homosexual couple should have a way, whether it be through marriage or not, to be distinguished as “united” and also reserve the right to adopt so long as it is through the foster care program.
Just as we abolished slavery we should knock down our walls of discrimination against gays. All human beings are supposed to be treated equally. That means there are no tiers and there is no hierarchy. In an essay like “What is a Homosexual?” Andrew Sullivan doesn’t seem to see a world without boundaries writing, “The society separates these two entities, and for a long time the homosexual has no option but to keep them separate. He learns certain rules; and, as a child learning grammar, they are hard, later on in life, to unlearn.”(p.53) He sees the world as straight or gay, not human being or human being. He has been taught to discriminate himself, just as everyone else learned that gays are different, therefore they are wrong. Well, it’s 2001 and today we took a step further towards equality for homosexuals. Throughout the history of oppressing gays, each day forward is now more accepting than previous day. We are learning to “unhate”, and we are learning this from our homes. The essay “Home is Where to Learn How to Hate” states, “Home is where it is safe to hate – first. Home is where children should be allowed to practice and test and begin to conquer this powerful, terrible human passion.” Parents should be teaching their children that discrimination is wrong and there is no place for that sort of thinking in society. If people would realize that it’s O.K. to be different we’d be better off, but the reality is that people do discriminate and people really don’t believe everyone has an equal right at living life to it’s fullest.
We’ve taken baby steps in the evolution of the true freedom we strive for, and it seems in this democracy we live in people are now more accepting of the gay lifestyle. Some states such as Florida still have very conservative views on this subject, while other states like Vermont or Illinois make it equitable to live in. No state, however, has allowed gay marriages. Whether for religious, ethical or moral reasons, our law does not allow an official statement professing the love two people share for each other and the unity they wish to uphold under the state’s acceptance. With the steps we’ve taken, I feel it is time we take one more. Although marriage may never be an option, gays should have some way to be recognized under the state as a united and devoted couple. We should worry less about the taxes that are saved or the extra insurance money in our pockets, and deal with the morality of uniting two people that love one another. If two people are in love they deserve to be treated on an equal base regardless of sexual preference. Once we realize that it’s alright for two people of the same sex to join in unity, we will also notice that taxes and insurance money aren’t even an issue. They are solved on the basis of equality.
My opinions may be biased because my uncle (and godfather) is gay. He has had the same partner for over 5 years, and helps raise his partner’s two boys from a previous marriage. They are currently on the same insurance plan, rearing children half of the week, but are not “married.” Well, they can’t be married. They have devoted themselves to each other, though. My uncle, Wally, and his partner, Mike, both wear rings with the letters “M” and “W.” When flipped and put together, “W” and “M” fit to become one continuous symbol of unity. Although they were lucky to have come up with their own vows, many don’t feel it is enough to declare it to themselves alone. They would like to share this with the community, and declare it under the state’s name. My uncle and his partner wish to be recognized as a “couple,” the equivalent of being “married” in the gay person’s eyes. I don’t see why this is such a problem. Homosexuals should reserve the right to have their relationship recognized by the state just as heterosexuals have always had. Wally and Mike are as normal as you and me, but I guess everyone in the United States needs to realize that before it’s recognized fully under our laws.
As far as the kids in my uncle’s situation are concerned, they are normal as can be. There is no factual information backing the accusation that children raised by gay parents are more susceptible to the gay life-style than a child raised by a heterosexual couple. There is nothing supporting the idea that kids raised by gay parents end up abnormal. There is evidence, though, supporting the fact that children raised without any parental figure can fall into the abnormal or “messed up” category. In a Milwaukee Wisconsin Case study reported by my uncle’s partner Mike, it states that 80% of foster care children that end up “graduating” from the program end up homeless or in jail. So what’s the problem? The law in many states does not allow gay couples to adopt. What needs to be addressed is the issue of who is really benefiting. It would be in the children’s best interest to be adopted by someone rather than no one, regardless of sexual preferences. It is particularly troublesome knowing that there aren’t even enough people stepping up to the plate to adopt these foster care children in the first place. There are 26,000 children in foster care looking for a home, and it’s time we allow gays the right to adopt these children.
It’s a crazy world we live in, and we’re not supposed to have everything figured out. Everyone is different and offers their own unique presence in the world, and until we understand and accept our differences we will always have struggle. Our differences cause us to put labels on one another, display hatred, and in some cases go to war. These are drastic times that call for drastic measures. The pride of America is supposed to be our freedom. This freedom should not stop us from marrying whom we want regardless of sex. In “Marriage as a Restricted Club” Lindsy Van Gelder says it well, “I’d prefer to be the one making the choice.” (p.147, referring to the choice of who she wants to marry) According to what I have been brought up to believe everyone should have equal rights. We shouldn’t have to write about the difference between a heterosexuals rights separate from a homosexuals, but we still are. I look forward to the day when it’s a unanimous decision that everyone be treated equally, and we actually understand our differences.