Data Clear had a great success with its first software product, ClearCloud domestically. The software they had was a state of the art data analysis package, which had two versions, one for the telecommunications industry and the other for the financial services providers. The founder of the company was Greg McNally; a New Jersey native got his PhD in computer science from UC Berkeley, and had worked for such companies as Oracle and Borland. He realized that companies were collecting information faster then they could analyze, and at a seminar at Northwester University he saw his opportunity. He partnership with two researchers, and created Data-Clear, this product was as instant hit. Greg saw a huge potential outside the telecommunication and financial services industries, with little product development they believed, ClearCloud could adapted for the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. But Greg learned from Susan the head of sales, that a British start-up, VisitDat, was only weeks from launching a data analysis package. “ We need to agree on a strategy for dealing with this kind of competition.” She said. Now the company which had a blockbuster potential in the U.S market, had to decide wherever to stay domestic or go global and try to secure its share of the global market.
They have to make that decision to stay domestic or go global because, of the new competition in the face of VisiDat. They are not going to have the market to themselves any longer. If VisiDat starts as a global player and DataClear stays in the U.S that may destroy them.
My opinion is that DataClear should stay in the U.S and try to develop there market as maximum as they can. They already have a solid foundation; they have a well develop market with such industries as the communications and the finanacial services. There sales have risen steadily from there first year of operation, till now. I think that their goal should me to try to make potential users aware of the product they offer ClearCloud even more. I think that they have to focus also into expanding into the Chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries, the annual demand from customers in those sectors could reach as high as $900 million. It will cost them relatively little product development to adapt ClearCloud for these industries.
I don’t think that DataClear should go global, or at least for now. They are still too small as a company, and can’t effort expand globally. First and the most important think are for them to secure their domestic market and after they had done this, if they have the recourses they may try going globally. They have to try and win the trust of there clients. They have to establish a well developed their tech support team, and most important I think for them is to build relationships with there clients. This action by DataClear will secure their share of the U.S market, stated by they new business-development manager Tom Birmingham “was excited by ClearCloud’s blockbuster potential in the U.S market.”
If they go global they can meet a lot of problems, such problem is competition, in our case VisiDat. Which first of all is a European company, much better introduced and knowledgeable of the European way of thinking and demands, it is much closer to its clients, in this case Europeans, will have a faster and better response and reaction to any demands from future clients if they are located in Europe. If DataClear tries forming alliances with players already established there, that may bring another problem and that is cultural differences or as Sarah told Greg at there dinner meeting that she had difficulties coordinating the three sites across borders. They’re where so many misunderstandings between here core teams that lead productivity down 40%. I think that reality would hade caught DataClear if they went global. And for DataClear to become a global company they would have to have sales offices and representatives maybe in continental Europe, and Asia possibly Tokyo. As Tom Birmingham said, ClearCloud is a complex product, and it needs a service infrastructure. Also ClearCloud would need to translate the interface software, or at least the manuals, into the local languages, all of this will lead to additional resources in business development and product support to manage this.