An inspector calls
Explore how Priestly uses the changes in Sheila’s character to show his views in “An inspector calls”
In the play ‘An Inspector Calls’ Sheila starts as a typical capitalist young girl but as the play goes on she dramatically changes. Priestly uses her character to show that capitalism is the downfall to our community but he’s also stating that the younger generation can change that. J.B. Priestley voices his own ideas through Shelia. She is one of the few characters in the play who changes the most in terms of accepting responsibility for her actions. Just as Shelia changes through the novel, so should the readers views and the way they treat other people.
In act one Sheila changes from immature and spoilt to quick witted and wise. During the play Sheila says “Yes, go on, Mummy. You must drink our health” This shows how although Shelia is a grown women she still refers to her Mother as Mummy which is quiet childish. Furthermore it shows how she hasn’t truly become an adult and that she is young, and spoilt. As the play progresses she changes when she starts talking about what happened to Gerald during the summer and how he didn’t come near her. Sheila says “ I wondered what happened to you.” From this quote you can see that Sheila is more suspicious of Gerald showing that she is infract quiet intelligent. Sheila has changed dramatically from being immature and spoilt to becoming a well-rounded adult who accepts responsibility for her actions, contrary to the adults who refuse to take the blame. In act one Sheila still refers to her mother as Mummy this shows that Priestly want the audience to know that young women would always use that type of childish language towards their family.
When Gerald proposes to Sheila in act one she is jolly and pleased with life but when the inspector and tells them that Eva Smith committed suicide she started to be more aware of her actions towards others. When Gerald gave Sheila the she said “I think its perfect. Now I really feel engaged” Priestly is showing that capitalist family such as the Birling like show off their possessions, this makes the audience think that ignorant. This all changes when the inspector came along and told them the news that a young woman called Eva Smith committed suicide, this brought guilt ridden feeling for Sheila because she blamed for her death. After explaining how she knew Eva Smith she said “No, not really. It was my own fault.” From the quote the audience can sense that she’s honest and admits her faults but to some extent she expresses a certain sense of wisdom in the play so far and she gains some moral strength.
Sheila changes from an irresponsible childish woman to a responsible independent woman. After accepting the ring from Gerald she says’s “Oh- its wonderful! Look- Mummy- isn’t a beauty” This makes the audience see the innocence, excitement and irresponsibility of Sheila by her reaction towards marrying Gerald, but then when she hears the news that Eva Smith had died and that her family are being blamed her night changes to a happy and jolly night to a sad and upsetting night but Sheila gains something from this night. When the Inspector wants them to rake responsibility Sheila says “I know I’m to blame- and I’m desperately sorry” This make the audience aware that Sheila has gained some fear and guilt but she also gains responsibility for her actions toward others. Priestley message on this would be that we should all take responsibly for actions instead of making accuses and that we should think how our actions or words affects other people unlike capitalist who don’t take responsibly for their actions because they don’t think they have anything to apologise for because their always right. When Sheila say’s “Oh- its wonderful!” we can that she emphasises her excitement it is because of the explanation mark and the word wonder is powerful emotive word to used during this part of the novel.
In the beginning we can see that Sheila and her young brother, Eric, have a complicated relationship but as the play continues she quickly starts to understand and agree with him on the subject of Eva smith’s death. After Eric’s rude remark, Sheila replied back by saying “ Dont be an ass” This shows that the two of them have a sibling rivalry this may be because although their siblings and they’ve known each other for a long time, they still don’t quite understand one another quit well. When Eric give his speech Sheila replies “(eagerly) that’s just what if eel Eric. And its what they don’t seem to understand” This shows that they agree and understand with one another and that share a responsibility to try and convince their parents take equal amount of responsibility in Eva’s Smith’s death