* Educational Benefits
Several studies have reported that computer games provide educational opportunities that students might not receive in a traditional schooling system. Verbal skills, spatial awareness, multitasking and problem-solving are all skills that are seen to be boosted by computer games.
* Health Benefits
A study by researchers at the Nottingham University has shown that certain first-person-shooter games can sharpen vision and might even cure a condition commonly known as “lazy eye. Further gaming platforms, such as the Nintendo Wii, have sports-oriented games that help improve balance, strength and endurance through its interactive interface.
* Social Benefits
Contrary to the stereotype, computer games can actually enhance social skills and help a child grow up into a more fully developed and well-rounded adult. Gamers are brought together by their love of gaming and can experience increased confidence and self-esteem through the victories they achieve together, even in a virtual world.
* Job Benefits
Both the medical field and the military profit from computer games. Military trainees can enter flight and combat simulations to learn how to process stimulus from multiples sources at the same time, handle themselves under fire and complete mission objectives with varying levels of stress and challenge.
Negative Effects of Computer Games
* Aggression
The games encourage aggressive behavior because of the violent acts depicted throughout the game. The repetition has been considered an effective teaching method in reinforcing learning patterns, according to Gentile & Anderson. Additionally, the games–especially first-person/role playing types–encourage players to identify with their characters, including violent acts.
* Academic Performance Declines, Social Isolation Increases The study by Gentile, Lynch, Linder & Walsh saw that children who played computer video games extensively had a decline in school achievements. According to Raise Smart Kid, this may be because rather than studying, reading or doing homework, the child is spending her time playing video games.
* Negative Effects on Health
Due to prolonged sessions of being in one position and not going out and playing/exercising, kids may become overweight or obese. They are also more prone to postural, muscular and skeletal disorders like tendinitis, nerve compression and carpal tunnel syndrome. Plus, some of the special effects of video games may induce seizures.
* Online Dangers
Computer games that can be played online can make children vulnerable to online predators, Raise Smart Kid says, as they are interacting with people in real-time. They can also pick up bad language and behavior from the people they meet in online computer gaming scenarios.
* Effect on Values
Some of the games also depict women as weaker characters who are helpless and/or sexually provocative or both, the National Institute on Media + the Family adds, giving children the impression that that is OK. These games can also give children the impression that violent behavior, vengeance and aggression are to be rewarded as nonviolent solutions are not often option
• Educational Benefits
• Health Benefits
• Social Benefits
• Job Benefits
• Educational Benefits
• Health Benefits
• Social Benefits
• Job Benefits
•Academic Performance Declines, Social Isolation Increases
•Negative Effects on Health
•Online Dangers
•Effect on Values
•Academic Performance Declines, Social Isolation Increases
•Negative Effects on Health
•Online Dangers
•Effect on Values