Outcome 1 Understand the legal, policy, rights and theoretical framework for residential care for children and young people
Assessment Criteria
The learner can:
1. Outline current theoretical approaches to residential provision for children and young people 2. Explain the relevant legal and rights framework that underpins work with children and young people in residential care 3. Explain the influence of current policies and legislation on residential care provision
4. Describe how the life chances and outcomes of children and young people in residential care compare with those who are not.
Additional Guidance
Current theoretical approaches may include:
Therapeutic communities childcare
Social pedagogy
All systems
Outcome based
Life space
Solution focused
Current legal and rights framework, policies and legislation As relevant to UK Home nation
Unit 087 Work with Children and Young People in a Residential Care Setting
Outcome 2 Understand own role and professional
responsibilities in a residential care setting
Assessment Criteria
The learner can:
1. Explain the requirements of professional codes of conduct and how they apply to day to day work activities
Every day in the work place there are things that have to guide the way in which someone works within a care setting. Maintaining codes of conduct is vital to maintain a profffesional level of care in the work place and these codes need to be adhered to at all times by all members of a staff team.These codes of conduct can apply tio many things in the working day from the overall way a child is cared for to smaller things such as the completion of paperwork or keeping standards conditions in a care home up to a high styandard.
2. Explain how to ensure that own practice is inclusive and anti-discriminatory and how to challenge practice that is not
In my own work role I wpork to ensure that at all times I do not discrimate others for amny reason, at all times I ainm to include young people in activities and work to ensure as mnay young people that can get involved in an activity do as this helps them to socialize with iothers and learn new skills through play. If a member of staff is niot practicing this the issue should be forwarded to senior management so it can be resolved.
3. Analyse how power, prejudice and discrimination can affect children and young people
All young people will encounter others who may discrimate against them for many different reasons the things they are told may damage there self asteem hindering their learning and feeling of self worth. Others may abuse their power in a physical mental or emotional sense to hurt others and this is to be stopped prematurely wherever possible. It is important in the work place to stop young people abusing their own power and also being taught the importance of npote [predudising or usin g power to abuse others. This should be taught to yioung people froma young age in a person centred way.
3. Explain how to fulfil own responsibilities to colleagues through responsible, constructive and co-operative team working
It is important when working in ateam in a residential care home to know your staff team well and strive to support all young people to the best standard possible. It is important thaty realtionships within the team and both strong and professional in order to ensure that everything is done in a professional manner but everybody is working co operatively too. Team working must be efficient, time managed and constructive at all times to ensure care atndards are kept high and all members of a team must understand their role clearly and be responsible for fulfilling their duties within a home to ahigh standard and by deadlines where nessasary.
4. Explain the professional requirement to maintain current, competent practice
All work practice must be kept professional. To maintain a professional and compentant standard of work a member of staff must be up to date with all current policies and paperwork as well as study an individual CYP’s needs. To work in a compitant way a team member must apply these things to their working role to ensure good care is given to all young people at all times.
5. Explain the importance of maintaining positive relationships with people in the local community.
Some people in the community can be predudice or unexperianced with dealing with people with learninfg disablitites this can result in problenms with people in the community it is important that these ralationships are worked on to hekp feel young people feel comfortable in their surroundings. It is also important that young people as they developed are shoewed how to maintain these reaqaltionships as many people who are in the community may have to socialse with these people. This is why it is important for realtionships in the community to be made and maintained.
Outcome 5 Be able to safeguard children and young people in a residential care setting
Assessment Criteria
The learner can:
2. Explain the practical application of legislation, policies and procedures and key messages from research and child protection enquiries for residential care settings 3. Describe how to take action to protect children and young people in residential care from risks of harm or abuse from outside or inside the residential setting.