As I sit down in front of my TV and start clicking through the channels it occurs to me that on every other station there is some form of violence portrayed. I can’t help think that in our lives today we seem to revolve around violence. Whether it is on TV, in our video games, at the movies and even at our schools. It isn’t surprising that youths are becoming more aggressive these days since the idea of violence is getting hammered into their heads everyday through the different types of media in our society.
TV has become one of the most popular types of entertainment in the last couple of centuries and it without a doubt has been portraying violence the most out of all the types of media. Every Saturday morning I wake up and I see these wonderful kids shows, like the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Batman, Spiderman, and V.R Troopers. The thing that astounds me the most is that their sole purpose of the show is fighting. Later that day I watch a Pay-Per-View event, which cost thirty-five dollars, and see two guys in a ring kicking the crap out of each other. As we can clearly see TV without a doubt shows violence not only for adults but for children as well.
Video games are on a rise since they were first introduced and will overtake the role of TV and violence. As I look at the shelves of games in the local Future Shop I see that they all share a common factor and it is violence. There are many games out there where your character is in a ring and the goal of the game is to beat your opponent using violence. For example: Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Double Dragon. There are other games that try and soften the violence a bit by throwing in a plot, also known as a strategy game. In theses games you try to build either an army or civilization and you try and wipe out your opponent’s using weapons and machines of mass destruction. Finally we have the multiplayer games that are the worst by far because they reward you for killing others. In these games, like Counter-Strike, Half-Life and Team Fortress, a player joins a server and is added onto a team. This team then runs around a level trying to shoot the opponents. Throughout the game you receive money for shooting an opponent and are able to upgrade your weapon to either carry more ammo or shoot at a further range as well as making it more powerful. We can see that video games have evolved from the traditional Pac-man and Tetris type games to new and more violent ones that all seem to hold the same goal of beating your opponent with violence.
Movies are no different than video games and TV. These days every producer is somehow incorporating violence into their stories because they know that violence sells. As I look at this week’s best box office profits I realize that out of the top five movies, three of them are rated “R” or “PG-13” due to their violent scenes. Most movies in the last couple of months and even years have revolved around war. For example: Pearl Harbor, Enemy at the Gates, Saving Private Ryan, Harts War and Black Hawk Down. The thing that surprises me most though is that kids films have also increased their violence. For example the hit movie that made millions, Pokemon. They made so much money that there were two sequels after that. Other examples are “The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie”. It seems that the more romantic and chick flick types of movies are being overtaken by violent and horror genre movies and are raking in all the money.
We can clearly see that our lives are always revolving around violence whether it’s when we go to watch a movie, play a video game with our friends or when we sit down to watch tv. We can also see that violence sells in our society as more and more movies and games are using it as a theme or goal. We have all experienced violence in one shape or form and it has been etched into our minds over the years. Whether its human nature or not violence is always going to be part of us.