There are many natural renewable energy resources that we use in the world today such as wind, solar and tidal. These sources of energy are good because they are renewable, which means that they will never run out in our lifetime. So we can use them many times and they will always be there. This essay will be exploring one specific natural energy source, tidal energy.
The topics being explored in this essay are how it is being practiced, where we can find this source being used in Canada / world , the economics in this field, future potential and the advantages and disadvantages. The rise and fall of the sea level can power electric-generating equipment. The gearing of the equipment is tremendous to turn the very slow motion of the tide into enough displacement to produce energy (Keller, 2003).
Tidal energy, (appendix 1), traditionally involves erecting a dam across the opening to a tidal basin.
The dam includes a sluice that is opened to allow the tide to flow into the basin; the sluice is then closed, and as the sea level drops, traditional hydropower technologies can be used to generate electricity from the elevated water in the basin. Some researchers are also trying to extract energy directly from tidal flow streams (Keller, 2003).
When tides comes into the shore, they can be trapped in reservoirs behind dams. Then when the tide drops, the water behind the dam can be let out just like in a regular hydroelectric power plant (Keller, 2003).
In order for this to work well, you need large increases in tides. An increase of at least 16 feet between low tide to high tide is needed.
Another kind of tidal system that is used to start off with is called an upwelling nursery system (appendix 2).
The most popular places in the world that use tidal energy are France, Russia, Soviet Union, Mexico, Korea, Australia, Argentina and China. Proposals are coming in from India and the USA to use (Howes, 1991).
The place has the most potential for this system is the UK (appendix 3).
The places in Canada that use tidal energy are Cobequid, Cumberland and Shepody (Howes, 1991).
It is very possible to harness energy from the tides but technology is not yet commercially available therefore makes this energy source not cost competitive.
It is necessary when selecting a site to assess economic feasibility (Roger, 1999).
On average, the estimated cost to construct and run a tidal power facility with an average annual out put of 1085 MW (annual out put of 3423 GW) would total about 1. 2 billion dollars not including operational costs and maintenance (this cost exceeds that of coal and oil) (Roger, 1999).
The benefits derived from inclusion of a tidal power plant are due to the cost of the fuels saved (Roger, 1999).
Primary role for tidal power which would make it economically feasible: replace fossil fuels, replace nuclear generated energy, reduce oil needs by one-half, save 3 million barrels of oil save 330, 000 tons of coal and save 90. 8 tons of uranium (Roger, 1999).
Right now wave energy plants only exists in theory models and as experimental rigs, except for maybe five or six full-scale plants. But what will happen in the near future? Tidal and wave energy as a replacement for fossil fuels is uncertain, because the technology of the energy generators isn’t fully developed. In addition the technology isn’t fully commercially available making this a relatively expensive energy choice (Swenson, 2001).
Another factor that is standing in the way for tidal and wave energy, is the growing popularity for other renewable sources, but with today’s equipment it’s possible to determine the wave energy devices output two days ahead.
Therefore it’s possible to make a nice fitting interplay between, wave energy and the present ordinary, energy type on shore (Swenson, 2001).
Indeed, tidal and wave energy is still a viable option for the future. Although the world’s electricity demand could probably never be met by tidal and wave energy alone, but they have the potential to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels (Swenson, 2001).
You can assume that with increased knowledge and interest in this renewable energy source, costs will decline and engineering efficiency will improve, with these facts in mind, it seems that tidal and wave energy will encounter a bright future (Swenson, 2001).
The advantages of tidal energy are: once you ” ve built the dam, tidal power is free, it produces no greenhouse gases or other waste, it needs no fuel, it produces electricity reliably, not expensive to maintain and the tides are totally predictable (Darvill, 2000).
The disadvantages are: very expensive to build, affects a very wide area when dams are built, many birds rely on the tide uncovering the mud flats so that they can feed, provides power for around 10 hrs / day , and there are very few suitable sites for tidal power stations (Darvill, 2000).
Tidal power has the potential to generate significant amounts of electricity at certain sites around the world. Although our entire electricity needs could never be met by tidal power alone, it can be a valuable source of renewable energy to an electrical system. The negative environmental impacts of tidal barrages are probably much smaller than those of other sources of electricity, but are not well understood at this time. The technology required for tidal power is well developed, and the main barrier to increased use of the tides is that of construction costs.
The future costs of other sources of electricity, and concern over their environmental impacts, will ultimately determine whether tidal energy will increase in popularity and will be used more worldwide. Keller, Edward. (April 18, 2003. ) Tidal and Wave. “Renewable Energy.” web > Roger H.
Charlie. (1999. ) Economics in Energy. web > Howes, R. The Energy Sourcebook: A Guide to Technology, Resources and Policy, American Institute of Physics, 1991.
Clive Baker, “Tidal Power”, Energy Policy, London 1991. Darvill. Andy, (2000) “Tidal Power-Energy from the Sea”, Broad oak Community School, web > Swenson, Andreas. (2001).
“Tidal and Wave Energy” web.