The sixth challenge of vision 2020 is to form a scientific –oriented and progressive society. A scientific, oriented and progressive society is a society that is fully inventive and creative, forward-looking, optimism, generous and provides a technological civilization in the future. The reason why I think the sixth challenge cannot be met because of the identification of race with economic function, and the recognition of race in economic backwardness.
Identification of race with economic scale implies that the income of individual is not equal; the crisis of disparity between races is significant. Each race will have their own economic worth due to the individual upbringing and education, economic preferences and effort therefore they received different financial reward. An equality of income between races is not possible and not achievable. On the other hand, the sixth challenge cannot be meet on year 2020 is because of lack of skill labors in the society.
Young Malaysians seek to study and work abroad and this create a shortage of skill labor which slowed down the growth of the country. Others countries provide better wages, career opportunity, environment and education than Malaysia such as neighbor Singapore. Therefore, it is hard to develop a scientific society by year 2020 if there is a shortage in skilled labors, potential and technologies. To overcome the challenge, 1 Malaysia concept must be strongly built up in every race’s mindset to reduce racial politics in the country.
The society should accept and tolerances among people of different races, and have a mutual respect for each citizens within the country. Government should allocated resources appropriately to reduce the racist crisis. Next, government should also focus on the level of wages and allowance pay to the skilled labor to reduce the capital loss of country. Government should increase the project of development of the country to provide more career opportunities to the citizens.